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Combat Ace and SimHQ OFF Forums; Added Immersion !

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Think of it folks, with SimHQ now being OFF's "Official" forum locale and Combat Ace back in the fray we now have an even more realistic WWI feel. I find myself imagining our forums at SimHQ as our very own St. Omer, where all the Brass Hats are situated and from where all official despatches and orders disseminate. While our good old forums here at Combat Ace are rather like Bailleul aerodrome, our long-standing base of actual operations and where we all hang our collective flying caps. I'll be making the regular runs up to St. Omer to pick up the odd new aeroplane from the depot, and to get the latest official news from the powers-that-be, perhaps even pop into town for a bite to eat.


See, it will be just that much more like it was for our RL counterparts. :pilotfly:





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Well, almost.

For the German flyers, St. Omer or Bailleul would probably not be the right places, but I see what you mean.


Thinking about it, I don't really know, where the KoGenLuft von Hoeppner had his quarter.

Metz? Valenciennes?

Does anybody know?

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Just checked it. General von Hoeppner became Kogenluft kommandierender General der Luftstreitkräfte) some time in 1916.

He made this job from the "Grosses Hauptquartier" (big headquarter), which changed it's location several times.


February 1916: Charleville-Mézières

August 1916: Pleß (Silesia; now Poland)

January 1917: Kreuznach and Bad Münster (Germany)

March 1918: Spa (Belgium)


Edit: Oh, and, ah... yes, Lou, that's how I also see it - two places, same war.

Edited by Olham

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Yes, quite right Olham, and thank you. I thought it best that you Central fliegers draw your own angebracht correlations for this exercise. I was only providing some for the Allied pilots.



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Ah yes.. Metz!...I've been there

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Just checked it. General von Hoeppner became Kogenluft kommandierender General der Luftstreitkräfte) some time in 1916.

He made this job from the "Grosses Hauptquartier" (big headquarter), which changed it's location several times.


February 1916: Charleville-Mézières

August 1916: Pleß (Silesia; now Poland)

January 1917: Kreuznach and Bad Münster (Germany)

March 1918: Spa (Belgium)


Edit: Oh, and, ah... yes, Lou, that's how I also see it - two places, same war.


Olham (and others), that headquarter was the nerve centre of the German military and political leadership during the Great War. You could find all the big bosses from there, even the Kaiser himself. Generalleutnant Hoeppner was pretty insignificant among all those high ranking generals, admirals and ministers of the Kaiserreich, most of whom didn't understand anything about aviation. He never got the resources his Fliegertruppen would have needed to do their job better.


I'd rather think of the SimHQ forum as St. Omer, which is much closer to us mere mortals than the Großes Hauptquartier. :grin:

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It's the way I look at it , Lou.


Base/aerodrome = Sim HQ/CA.


There's no end to it I tell you...:grin:

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Lou sir, always the Barmiest chap in the mess. Wonderful outlook I say.

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He never got the resources his Fliegertruppen would have needed to do their job better.

Seems to be one of those German cracks in the record...

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