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New to First Eagles 2

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The release of a eastern front (Galicia) map, made me decide about getting First Eagles 2, but as I have no idea of what to install in order to improve graphics, I will ask for help here. Which mods should I get in order to improve the terrains and weather of the game? Any terrain for Italian front?



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most of the enviormental mods for SFP2 SHOULD work with FE2. others should be able to help mor ebut alot of the effects and enviormental mods work ok.cloud mods,skymod etc.

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I use Jan Tuma tiles for terrains (a truly big improvement). Some people are using Stary's SARCASM mod for skys. I'm using an old but very good looking sky mod from Polak. These two are from the jet games. Welcome to this madness. ¡Otro español!

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