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A while back there was a mod that changes the angle of descent for carrier landings so that the carrier was visible as apposed to being obscured by the aircraft's nose on approach. Does anyone remember that file, or its name? I have searched both gen1 and 2 downloads section and come up with nothing.

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Maybe it's the file you are thinking:



It does not correct the ILS but the AOA Indexers of all Navy aircraft. be warned that's it an old file and it need to be updated for the current game version.


If there's a way to adjust the ILS glideslope of the carrier, i really would like to know it.



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Is it just me but I’ve never been able to fly the AOA indexer or even the new ILS on approach. :dntknw:

Landing with the aircrafts nose that high & air speed just a few knots above stall just seems & feels so wrong.

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Would be nice if there was a view option to raise the cockpit viewing angle during landing. Some of the cockpits can look a bit weird though if the angle isn't just right.

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