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Aviatik-Berg D.I 185hp

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Aviatik-Berg D.I 185hp

The Aviatik-Berg D.I had many variations, with different engines, different radiator configurations, different fuselage shapes, and different gun placements. This is a very early version, with a 185hp Daimler engine and a non-synchronized Schwarzlose machine gun mounted above the wing.


The machine gun is detachable and can be mounted or unmounted in the Loadout screen.


I have included one of Quack74's basic skins and decal sets with a set of serial numbers which will be applied randomly to each plane.


This plane has an extra piece that was not included in Quack's skins, I have included skins for the new part to match each of Quack's skins, which you will need to add to each skin folder.


Historical Notes

This version of the Aviatik did not have a cutout in the upper wing and the fuselage was higher in front of the fuselage. My model is converted from a later version and has not been corrected because I wanted to make sure that all of Quack's skins would still work with this plane.




My great thanks to Ojcar for making the FM and the Schwarzlose weapon data, and for teaching me how to make weapon stations.

Thanks to Quack 74 for making the skin and decal set for all the Aviatiks, and for allowing me use one as the default skin for this plane.

And thanks to Nix for making the engine sound file.



Installation Instructions

If you are using FE1, you will need to use the Weapons Editor available from the Thirdwire Downloads area. You will also need to use a CAT file extractor utility (SFP1E Extract Utility available in the CombatACE Downloads area.)



For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_185" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


To install the gun - If you haven't already done so, extract the WeaponData.INI and the WeaponData.DAT files from the FirstEagles ObjectData.CAT file. Make a new folder named "Weapons" in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Put the two extracted files into the new folder.


In my download, open the file named "Single_Schwarzlose_Angled_Data.INI," copy everything and paste it at the end of the "WeaponData.INI" you just extracted. Then change the number (WeaponData001) to the next consecutive number. Save the file.


In my downlaod, copy the files named "Schwarzlose.BMP" and "SchwarzloseAngle.LOD" and put them into the FirstEagles/Objects/Weapons folder.


Open the Weapons Editor, Open the WeaponsData.INI, make sure the new weapon (Single_Schwarzlose_Angled) is there, click "Save" and Close the editor.



For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_185" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AviatikD1_185". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AviatikD1_185 folder into the Decals/AviatikD1_185 folder you just made. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


To install the gun - From my download, copy the folder named "Single Schwarzlose Angled" into your Objects/Weapons folder.


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love different variants, thx. :clapping:

Edited by dsawan

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