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Hi everyone.What are the differences between the cockpits of the DLC Mirage III and the standard Mirage III CJ in SF2:I?

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  On 7/14/2012 at 12:04 PM, arthur666 said:

None. They are identical. Are you pondering getting the DLC?



Thanks!Yup,was thinking about getting the DLC.Don't see any point now.But,maybe I'll just pick up the Omani Hunter.Again,Thank you.

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  On 7/14/2012 at 1:31 PM, Lazarus1177 said:

Thanks!Yup,was thinking about getting the DLC.Don't see any point now.But,maybe I'll just pick up the Omani Hunter.Again,Thank you.


Well, I was going to say, with the DLC you get a lot of FAF decals, plus extra skins and weapons/tanks configurations. I'ld say it's one of the better DLC packs. I do lots of CE campaigning, so it was a no-brainer for me.

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  On 7/14/2012 at 1:41 PM, arthur666 said:

Well, I was going to say, with the DLC you get a lot of FAF decals, plus extra skins and weapons/tanks configurations. I'ld say it's one of the better DLC packs. I do lots of CE campaigning, so it was a no-brainer for me.

Can't decide...HHHHNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!Anyway thanks for the info.

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There are no new cockpits for planes in the DLCs. The most you get are repaints. Basically, it's no different from some of the old mods done here as far as .ini editing and new skins.


IIRC, there was a rather humorous instance of Wrench uploading an A-4A package here based on new skins and .ini edits of the existing in-game A-4B simultaneous with TK's A-4A DLC release. Wrench's reaction was the humorous part, of course. :grin:

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While there are no completely new cockpits in the DLC's, many have small changes, often only one or 2 instruments or another lever or switch.

The Mirage 5BA has the most changes so far, it is a new Mirage subvariant cockpit. :good:

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The Mirage5BA is the one to get if you want to make the Mirage5D and F flyable. The Nesher pit works, but the early 5BA is more accurate from pictures I've seen. And I like the fuel tanks with bomb racks/rocket pods you get with Mirage DLCs.


Oh yeah. The Omani Hunter rocks.

Edited by arthur666

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the mirage 3 DLC is one of the best!


like JM said, when I released the A-4A mod (with 100% accurate markings, btw), within the week, TK rleased his.


When I released the MirageIIIO pak, the next day TK announced that he wwould have one too (over a year ago, and it still hasn't materalized). But MINE has 100% acccurate serials for each squadron represented!

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  On 7/14/2012 at 8:33 PM, Wrench said:


When I released the MirageIIIO pak, the next day TK announced that he wwould have one too (over a year ago, and it still hasn't materalized).


That may be because he realised it too late that the "O" is essentially an "E" model with a few things missing, which means he would have had to work on a new "E" model. He may have thought that the "O" was just a variant of the "C".

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the RAAF used 3 variant of the Mir3 ... each had a different function (F, A, and finally F/A before retirement). TMF was working on all of them at one time, but, well...things changed. Perhaps, one day, we'll have their's.

Edited by Wrench

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  On 7/14/2012 at 8:33 PM, Wrench said:

like JM said, when I released the A-4A mod (with 100% accurate markings, btw), within the week, TK rleased his.


When I released the MirageIIIO pak, the next day TK announced that he wwould have one too (over a year ago, and it still hasn't materalized). But MINE has 100% acccurate serials for each squadron represented!


HAHA!Third Wire must hate you now!Anyway I checked your mods.Magnificent!!

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