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Capitaine Vengeur

Observation, deduction, consternation

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Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go hiking and camping in the Highlands. One evening, they smoke a last pipe and have a last Brandy, then head for their sleeping bags for a good night.


During the night, Holmes awakes Dr Watson:


- Watson, my dear, open your eyes and look above you. Tell me what you can see.


- Holmes, I can see millions and millions of stars.


- Well, and what does this view inspire to you?


- Astronomically, I think about the potentiality of life on trillions of planets scattered between milions of galaxies. Astrologically, I can observe that Saturn enters Leo. Hourly, I can deduce that it's about 3.15 a.m.. Theologically, I feel that God is almighty and that we are tiny and insignificant. Meteorologically, I think we shall enjoy a beautiful weather this morning. And what about your own feelings and reasonings, Holmes?


Sherlock Holmes stays silent for a moment, sighs, and replies:


- Watson, my dear, my feeling is that you are a complete thicko, and my reasoning is that our bloody tent has been stolen!!

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I think Holmes was "female".


Asking a misleading question, getting correct answers, but not getting the one you want when you could have asked the appropriate question to begin with sounds very familiar. I think "tell me what you don't see?" would have been a better question. No drama.


Poor Watson.

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Agreed ! If it really were just two guys and the tent was stolen, the conversation might have been


Guy 1: Dude your tent !

Guy 2: Duuude !

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Well maybe, but where I come from they would have each had their own tent. Just saying. :ohsnap:

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Broke back movie flashbacks huh ? You poor soul. :ymca::biggrin:

Edited by Atreides

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