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Hello All,

Just wanted to know if anyone else is seeing this: seems my AI flight of F-14D_06s gets slaughtered because they don't seem to be deploying any chaff or flares, at least I've been unable to catch them in the act. I'm flying'em in a merged install SF2:VEINA July 2012.

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Hey Spiff, what year are you flying them in? Reason I ask is the (external) chaff and flare dispensers (F14DDL, LBDD, RBDD) have an end date of 2006 so if you've modified the aircraft Data ini. to fly later than that you also have to modify the Data ini.s for those. Why are you still flying the 1.18s? If you have NA you need (I mean you really need) to get version 1.19, optimized for NA avionics (F14A AvionicsDLL). These have a working VDI, TWS(shoot six), everything the stock Tomcat's got only better.

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Hey SupGen, not flying them past 06. Just haven't gotten around to the 1.19 update yet. Can't figure it out, lookin at the data initial the decoy dispensers are listed 3 times under specific aircraft elements, fuselage, left and right inner wing, but no corresponding systems listed under ecm heading like previously, just wep station entries. Don't know why its not working. Do you know what purpose the ECAN weapon folder serves?

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If you add chaff and flares as weapons on weapon stations the AI (both sides) will not employ them. I know it sucks but the only option is to add the BOLs and pots into the DATA.ini.

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that's how i originally had it. time to back track. I still think TK should setup AI to use external ECM.

Edited by Spectre8750

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I could of swore it was working as is in a previous patch level though.

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Can someone please implement the MIM-23 HAWK missile to be used by the Iranian F-14?

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You could do it yourself...the HAWK missile is available in one of the download packs somewhere.



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You could do it yourself...the HAWK missile is available in one of the download packs somewhere.




I do have a hawk missile.

Can you please tell me how I could do it?

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The way I could think of doing it is to copy the Hawk as Hawk_IR (and rename the Hawk.ini file to Hawk_IR.ini), then change the weapon to Air to Air missile (not sure off the top of my head what entries are required). Set Nation to Iran, no Export, and SpecificStationCode=AIM54. You should be able to then mount the Hawk wherever you could mount a Phoenix.

Edited by HomeFries

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The way I could think of doing it is to copy the Hawk as Hawk_IR (and rename the Hawk.ini file to Hawk_IR.ini), then change the weapon to Air to Air missile (not sure off the top of my head what entries are required). Set Nation to Iran, no Export, and SpecificStationCode=AIM54. You should be able to then mount the Hawk wherever you could mount a Phoenix.



But it didn't work.

I also tried to take the Sedjeel missile (Iranian Air-to Air variant of the HAWK) from the Darius mode and do the same, but still nothing.

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delete this in data ini and weapon.ini :SpecificStationCode=AIM54

game engine his very pick whit that!

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I've have it working but the Sky Hawk Trial ended with the Missile and the AWG-9 not working together very well. anyway they abandoned the project. what i've heard is that the Iranians or someone may be now manufacturing AIM-54's.All the pics you guys have floating

around are old. The Iranians haven't worked on that project since around 1990. The have about 25 Aircraft flyable with about 25 in storage for parts and i've heard they've been using parts to copy and keep them flying.

Edited by Spectre8750

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Hello All,


This pertains to V1.19 but probably 1.18 as well. 1. Should the D model have ILS needles on the HUD? 2. I think there is something funny going on with the ILS on all models; I think when it switches to ILS mode the vertical needle displayed is actually the waypoint indicator line and not for the ILS on the HUD. I say this after comparing it to the stock tomcats. Another thing is on the VDI ( top MFD display?), in ILS mode you get the vertical waypoint indicator line also, which really clouds the ILS needles and is not present on the stock tomcats. Hopefully one of the avionics gurus will look at this. I think you'll notice it because the vertical waypoint line just swings through the waypoint as the aircrafts nose passes by while the ILS vertical line is giving you horizontal course correction guidance.

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Hello All,


This pertains to V1.19 but probably 1.18 as well. 1. Should the D model have ILS needles on the HUD? 2. I think there is something funny going on with the ILS on all models; I think when it switches to ILS mode the vertical needle displayed is actually the waypoint indicator line and not for the ILS on the HUD. I say this after comparing it to the stock tomcats. Another thing is on the VDI ( top MFD display?), in ILS mode you get the vertical waypoint indicator line also, which really clouds the ILS needles and is not present on the stock tomcats. Hopefully one of the avionics gurus will look at this. I think you'll notice it because the vertical waypoint line just swings through the waypoint as the aircrafts nose passes by while the ILS vertical line is giving you horizontal course correction guidance.


Spiff, I just checked on that and you are absolutly correct. It's not a difficult fix, there should be something up in a day or two. Thanks for the heads-up.

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Spiff, unzip the attached file and drop the enclosed Objects folder into the main Mod folder where your 'Cats reside. This fixes the VDI and HUD landing displays for the A and B models and the VDI for the D. I'm not sure if the Ds should have a HUD landing display, gotta wait on Caesar for that; the NATOPS Manual master.

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Thanks SupGen, while you're waiting on the HUD ILS, could you check to see if the TCS is working as it should, I think it is but in the cockpit file there's a bmp with crosshairs for it and I don't get the crosshairs.

More work for you.



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I've have it working but the Sky Hawk Trial ended with the Missile and the AWG-9 not working together very well. anyway they abandoned the project. what i've heard is that the Iranians or someone may be now manufacturing AIM-54's.All the pics you guys have floating

around are old. The Iranians haven't worked on that project since around 1990. The have about 25 Aircraft flyable with about 25 in storage for parts and i've heard they've been using parts to copy and keep them flying.


You have been partially misinformed.

There are around 45 functional F-14s in service with the IRIAF.

They did revers engineer the AIM-54 as well as others and the Sedjeel trial (HAWk) were in fact a success and they are being used to date.

These are recent photos (2005+)

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Unfortunately Spiff, we do not now and may never have full TCS functionality. What we have is basicaly a foward camera veiw. I've posted at ThirdWire about the possibilty of slaving the TCS to an existing veiw option; e.g. Ctrl+R to select your current radar target as your visual target, then F8 to display an enlarged view of your current visual target, in the TCS view, but got no answer. Not very much different from what a Maverick seeker shows but, obviously more than TK wants us to have at present.

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You have been partially misinformed.

There are around 45 functional F-14s in service with the IRIAF.

They did revers engineer the AIM-54 as well as others and the Sedjeel trial (HAWk) were in fact a success and they are being used to date.

These are recent photos (2005+)


those are some real nice pics. I'll be borrowing those photos. thanks.

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those are some real nice pics. I'll be borrowing those photos. thanks.



I have more if you want.

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