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SFP1 KAW Campaign


Does the AI choose which of the available skins is used randomly or strictly according to the individual skin numbering in the aircraft's INI? Do you have to reorder the numbering to change the AI skin?


In Edward's KAW campaign it seems the AI always chooses the Soviet Silver skin which is the texture listed first and designated 001. I have three other skins available but even when I renumber one of the others (Like NKoreanCamo) to 001 and renumber the silver skin it does not seem to work. Every skin is listed in order as it should be in the MIG-15bis INI file.


Too late for SFP1 of course but I do wish there were some sort of aircraft viewer available like the built-in one in IL2-46. That way I could see a preview of what a new skin looked like before trying to run it in the game. Is there such a tool or 3rd party viewer? I haven't found one.

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Are the mig's NationName Soviet? If they are I think the AI will only use Soviet skins, Thats all I've Seen sofar. I set the Mig-15bis to NKorea and Got This AI Aircraft.


Edited by RAVEN

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What ever country the aircraft NationName says in the Aircraft_data.ini file, the AI will pick the first skin it comes to on your Aircraft.ini file. You want the AI to pick another country's skin, change your aircraft NationName to that country.

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In the campaign or on scripted missions it can defined which skin the plane should have.

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Set to Soviet they are indeed.


Thanks Raven, Panama, and Gepard for your advice and information. That should do it.


I've been around simming for decades mostly hanging about on the SimQH BoB forum for the past 11 but I am just now getting interested in skinning due to my years of experience using PhotoShop, this active, helpful forum and the amazing, practically infinite ability to customize this sim.


On the surface (not a pun) it might seem easier to skin IL-2 '46 planes because all the aircraft templates are included with the original install and there is a built-in aircraft/skin viewer so you can Atl-Tab from PhotoShop to IL-2 and view your work in in progress in 3d. I'm really not interested in skins for that sim.


Do you skin using current templates by painting over them or are blank templates for various aircraft available elsewhere? When I failed to get the other skins to load I managed to paint the nose and tail of the Soviet silver aircraft red by creating a new layer over the template and painting right over the MiG silver setting the blending mode color burn in Photoshop. Overlay mode might have worked as well.


I found some WW2 era paint swatches for PS that might come in handy for skinning planes of the SFP1 Solomons Campaign recently. For the moment I am interested in the KAW mod. I was along time fan of MA and still have that on my HDD. The better graphics and the KAW campaign were what drew me to get SFP1 in the first place long after it was published.


I thank you all once again for responding.

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