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Parked Aircraft question

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is there any way to keep certain aircraft from parking? Some of them slow down my framerate and the game always decide to pepper the aircraft carriers and airfields with the most FPS killing jets I have in my arsenal.

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Yeah, I get this too. Also, certain aircraft clip (check out C-5s parked in the default pattern). I've only been able to avoid it in campaigns by editing the availability of the aircraft or by determining the number of these aircraft in the flight and at which base they located. If you're talking about single mission, then I can't help you I'm afraid.


Another thing that I've found that helps is to have the in-game camera point in the opposite direction. You'll still suffer from a little slowdown, but not as significant as before. This is impractical for landing, obviously.

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Yeah I really don't get why some things available for campaigns are not used for single missions too, for example location maps...like only the guys that play campaigns want for example Syrian aircrafts to actually take off from I don't know let's say - Syria?

Instead of just anywhere game assigns them to...and then ofcourse one has to enter (thankfully) built-in mission editor and change it to something believable...

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There are parameters listed in the ini's which can be used to avoid this problem.


One, you can limit the size of the parking slot. This in combination with using the proper size parameters in the aircraft data.ini will result in the aircraft not appearing where it shouldn't.


Two, limit the number of parking slots.


Three, adjust the visibility of the lower detailed LODs so they show up closer.


Four, adjust your shadow settings (this plus the view distance are usually the biggest frame rate killers).



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Four, adjust your shadow settings (this plus the view distance are usually the biggest frame rate killers).



I have shadows at Medium. Does Object Detail on Medium mean that the aircraft are detailed at close distance but low poly at longer distance?


how do I limit parking slots?

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most of the aircraft causeing the stuttttttttttttter only have the one, single lod. those lods are somewhat un-optimized and prolly contain excess poly.


one way to limt parking is to NOT use "Unlimited" in the GroundObjects in the options ini.


another would be to edit the airfield ini, and reduce the ParkingChance= percentage












of course, you'll have to extract ALL 6 airfield ini from ALL terrains, edit them, and make sure they reside in ALL their proper terrain folders


or, remove the aircraft in question from the mods folder (a bit drastic, to be sure, but it elimiates the problem completely)

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