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Pasko Ju-87B SF-2 Update

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This is VERY COOL! Since it will be a couple of weeks before I can get a package together you may want to give this a try. Set up the JU-87 siren like this:







WindsoundName=Ju87Siren//.................................Do This!


The Ju-87 is so slow the Windsound doesn't even activate under most conditions, even at full power in level flight. Once you go into a dive it starts wailing quite nicely!


Wrench, I am still sorting through the various Ju-87 versions you pointed out. Hopefully I can capture any improvements that were done with the various uploads, as well as adding the stuff Crusader uploaded. I think for the first package I will include the JU-87B with export/userlist entries and skin for WW2 Italy. Will probably include the longer range JU-87 as well but have to look into it a bit. Will include the SC bombs also. The D and G would probably be reasonably easy follow ups, with a few edits and revised engine tables.

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I also switched mine to use the AVHistory WW2_Engine_GR_Jumo211 sound (also using it on Monty'x HE-111E too)

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JU-87B beta-0.9 data.ini attached. I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out the dive bombing A.I. but don't have anything good to report. The JU-87 is set up as an "attack" aircraft and the default altitude for that appears to be 500 meters, which is the "Low" altitude contained in the missioncontrol.ini. My usual "research light" indicates the JU-87 would usually dive bomb from about 14,000ft. I could set up the dive bomb A.I. to work from 14,000ft but it seems it would only work when the player is part of the formation, he climbs the formation above 14,000ft and uses the "attack my target" or "engage ground" command. With no player present, they just level bomb. As suggested by one old dive bomb thread, I tried forcing the A.I. to dive bomb by entering zeros in the level bomb A.I. data but, with a player present, and below the dive bomb altitude, all it produced was some confused JU-87's circling the target. With no player present, they just seem to level bomb anyway, totally ignoring the zeros in the level bomb A.I data. Another issue is the WW2 formation ini. The elements are set up with 3 aircraft so when you tell your wingman to "attack my target", both the wingman and number 3 will commence attack. If you tell "flight one" to attack my target, then only the number 4 aircraft will attack. The number 5 and 6 aircraft of flight 1 will do nothing and there is no way to command them. I would be very interested to hear if anyone with a WW2 install has actually seen an A.I. dive bomber, with no player commanding them, doing a dive bomber attack.

The attached beta 0.9 FM has the dive bombing altitude set at about 5400ft. Procedure is to climb to about 6000ft when approaching the target then issue the attack my target command if you want to watch some dive bombing. Final package in a week or two. Ju 87B_DATAbeta0.9.zip


P.S. The center bomb station works in a normal fashion now, just select and drop.

Edited by baffmeister

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most likely something in the AI got buggered in some patch over the last few years


I also redid the 'standard' euro splinter camo skins in 2048, and converted them to jpgs. Redoing the others is just a matter of a few hours work (excpeting the old Gramps MTO skin with the snake ... that'll take a bit longer)

Edited by Wrench

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addendem to above.

It appears the Stg.2 Stuka with the snake motif is ONLY used on one aircraft, so rebuilding that skin will be much easier, albeit withOUT the snake

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Wrench, can you send me any updated Ju-87 skins you have for inclusion in the new package?

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which ones? Euro or North Africa?


not all the NA one are done (desert splinter, solid sand-yellow still need finishing)

Edited by Wrench

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I would like to include all of them if they are ready in a week or so. If you need more time, I would like to at least include the Euro skin, you could upload the North Africa skins as a separate package later.

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another thing...


since we don't actually HAVE a destroyed model for the Stuka, this is what I've been using:





it's kinda close enough for wrecked & burning bird


the destroyed lods are somewhere in the SF2 downloads section.

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