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Remember, this Holiday season :)

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Please, take care of yourself out on the roads this holiday season.


A recent joint study conducted by the Department of Health and the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that 23% of traffic accidents are alcohol related.


This means that the remaining 77% are caused by assholes who drink bottled water, Starbucks, soda, juice, energy drinks, and s**t like that.


Therefore, beware of those who do not drink alcohol. They cause three times as many accidents.


This message is sent to you by someone who worries about your safety. :biggrin:

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And on these last 77%, how many are teenagers driving while nodding and listening to 009 Sound Sytem, Rihanna and others "musicians" doing what we can hardly call "music" ?

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By "Holidays", I assume you mean Christmas and New Years. Otherwise you could be talking about Valitines Day, Easter or any other Hoilday throught the year !!!


I have always wondered why people are so afraid to just say "Christmas" now days or is that just all the PC in the Western Culture ???

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Not that complicated. Not everyone celebrates Christmas.

For example, members of this community are from all over the world, perhaps not all of us are Christian.

Not so sure it's as much about PC, as it is about respecting others spirituality and beliefs.

Of course, I could be wrong.


Have some fun, and be safe!!!

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It makes sense because there are multiple holidays this month, only one of which is Christmas, and many people celebrate more than one of them. Those who have little reason to celebrate often find this time extra depressing as well.


Not too many DUIs during Valentine's or Easter by comparison.

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Aaanyway, beware of sober reindeers! :biggrin:

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