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Search engine bug or...?

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recently i tried to search for specific plane types... but the search engine seems to refuse the character "-" (if) it is followed by a number.


No results found for 'tu-#unknown char here#'


Maybe a codepage problem... but it appears for all three languages I have US, HU and RU also. I guess it is working for other people... I don't remember if it worked for me.. so I think it is a problem on my side but what to do?

Edited by Snailman

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from my experience it's best to search via known plane name or NATO codename, indeed I too have been having troubles with designations being unrecognized by the search engine since day one

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There was a problem with the way the "minus sign" ( - ) was being read into the query, it was for all purposes unrecognized.


That has been fixed and I am still working with the developers to fix or make the local searches more relevant. Until I'm satisfied with the local indexing of our site material (read: search results) I have implemented an internal way to use Google which is now part of the search box above.


I'll keep working on this until it's working as intended.


- work in progress

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