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Hi All,I installed a plane from SF1dwnlds that is supposed to have canards,I beleive the author used the "fake pilot"method and when first installed and ran worked as advertised.But now when I try to use-no canards just a pilot sticking out of the bottom of my plane!Please if you know how to fix and would be so kind Iwould appreciate it greatly!Oh by the way I'm using in SF2. Thank You!

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Make sure you have the 'Fake pilot' in your pilots folder and the canards/ fake pilot are set up correctly in the aircrafts data.ini






SeatModelName=xxxxxx <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This needs to be the name of the canards model in the pilots folder




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that the canards have are in their OWN folder within the /Pilots folder, with the necessary lods, skin (bmp/tga/jpg) and ini

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Wrench what ini file should be in the canards file?It did not have any to start with,unless your talking about a copy of the Data.ini file which I did put a copy of in the canards folder.But I followed the directions you guys gave me but for some reason the canards aren't showing up?The pilot sticking out of the bottom of the plane is gone though.Any suggestions on what else I could try?Thanks for all your help guys.

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the ini file name for the canards has to match the folder name of the canards, with has to match the LOD name of the canards


fer example, the T28 pylons (as used on the FockeWulfs)


and inside the ini..the name of the lod





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Ok Guys I did all that and still no joy.I talked to FastCargo (his mod) and he suggested I look at the Northrop 2 seaters file to get it to work in SF2 but the only difference I could see is that he used a second cockpit entry?I read so much and tried so many ways I'm a little confused about the right combination to get this to work.Does'nt anybody have a working model of this? I appreciate any more help I can get .Thanks!

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Okay, your links aren't quite working correctly, but I'm assuming you downloaded these:


http://marcfighters.combatace.com/arq/Marcfighter_Su-27_v1.0.zip - The Su-27 from MarcFighters.

http://combatace.com/files/file/5897-su-33-mod-for-the-tw-series/ - My mod that makes an Su-33 of it.


As I stated eariler, download this:



Now follow the instructions listed in the README for the Su-33, completely. When finished, I want you to report back here with a list of the files in your Objects/Aircraft directory that start with the phrase "Su27"...like Su27canards.OUT. for instance.


I also want you to list here the aircraft within your Objects/Aircraft directory that start with the phrase "Su" like Su-27 for instance.


Once I see those answers, we will go from there.




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Objects/Aircraft directory



















Edited by usafphantom2

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Okay, you didn't follow the Su-33 readme instructions quite correctly.


Now, copy the 'Objects' directory in this package to your TW directory. Allow the overwrites.



This next part is critical:


First, go into your Su-33(Sim) directory, decide which texture you want your canards and pylons to be patterned after.


Go into the that texture directory, copy one of the 'xxxxWing' and one of the 'xxxxTail' bmps to your Aircraft directory.


Rename the 'xxxxWing' bmp to 'Su27Pylons.bmp' and rename the 'xxxxTail' bmp to 'Su27canards.bmp'.




Aircraft in this case means the Objects/Aircraft directory, not the aircraft's directory.


Reattempt to follow the directions correctly, then report back here with the list of files in your Objects/Aircraft directory. There should be four of them.



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There were no overwrites?Was it supposed to overwrite the SU-27inis for SU-33's?Over.

just a reminder I'm usingSF2.

Edited by usafphantom2

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No. Overwrites only happen for files with the exact same name.



Now, go to your Objects/Pilots directory, if you do not have one, create one.


Within the Pilots directory, create two new directories: Su27canards and FakePilot.


Copy FakePilot.LOD and CompletelyClear.tga from the FakePilot download to the Objects/Pilots/FakePilot directory.


Move the 4 files from the previous message (the ones that start with "Su27") to the Objects/Pilots/Su27canards directory.


Now, within the FakePilot directory, you will create a new ini file with Notepad. It will be named FakePilot.ini.


Within this file, paste the following:








Save the file in your Objects/Pilots/FakePilot directory.



Within the Su27canards directory, you will create a new ini file with Notepad. It will be named Su27canards.ini.


Within this file, paste the following:








Save the file in your Objects/Pilots/Su27canards directory.


Make sure both of the files you just created are saved as .ini files and not .txt files...or they will not work.


Report here with the list of files in both your Objects/Pilots/FakePilot and Objects/Pilots/Su27canards directories.


We are almost finished.




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Saved both as ini files





















OVER......And Thanks for doing this I really Appreciate it! I already see some areas where I went wrong.How did you come up with the Distance,Saw some that had 3 separate entry's?

And how come I dont need a folder for Left & Right for Canards? Saw that too in some documents.

Edited by usafphantom2

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Okay, do me a favor and list all the files in your Objects/Pilots/FakePilot and Objects/Pilots/Su27canards directories.



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Completely Clear TGA










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Alrighty, final step:


Go into your Objects/Aircraft/Su-33(Sim) directory.


Make sure there are a bunch of files there appropriate to an aircraft directory.


Open the SU-33_Data.INI file with Notepad. Look for this section:













Change this section to read:













Save the file.


In theory, everything should work. Try firing up the sim and see what happens.



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Sorry no joy,It's weird the first time I installed it they showed,The next time I fired it up it had a pilots ass hanging out of the bottom of the fuselage.I dont know why it showed only once?Is the Fake Pilot Thing compatable for SF2? Wait one I spotted something back in a few.....S*&^%$# that was'nt it,I saw the s in (Sim) was'nt capitalized like the ini file,Thought that might have helped...but no.

Man if I'm going through all this just for some damned canards,I dont know how you guys do entire planes!My hat's off to you.

Edited by usafphantom2

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Not fer nothin', but I've been following along because I remember the hoops I jumped thru the first time I did this...my Su27canards folder also has the Su27Pylons.bmp and its all working, don't know if that's why, though.


All that stuff should be in the Pilots folder, which is, itself, in the Objects folder. Drop this into the Objects folder.

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OK let me try....Thanks. Holy S#@$%$!%^^& Thats it! I am now the owner of two babyblue canards! FastCargo Thank You so much for your time and going step by step with me and SupGen you had the missing piece! Thanks so much Guy's Your the BEST!!!!!!


Maybe we should leave this somewhere as a how to?

Edited by usafphantom2

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