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Hey Everyone,There is this site I found where you can purchase 3d models in different formats including 3Dmax which is what we use right?So my question is if I buy this model will someone here help make it usable for all of us?If interested let me know and I'll give you the link to check it out.

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Before you do that, realize that some folks selling 'models' may actually be selling 'less than legal' ones they reverse engineered from somewhere else.


Also realize that someone may initially commit, then not be able to do the job, resulting in you being out of money with nothing to show for it but a model you can't use.



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Thanks I know thats possible but that's why I'd like interested parties to check the site and the model before I buy to see if it's usable.The modelling is usually the hardest part right?If you would like to check it out on your own let me know the site is on Turbosquid and I can give you the web address .

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Most of the experienced modelers know what TurboSquid is.


Good luck, hopefully someone will take you up on your offer.



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I really hope you get somebody to take your offer. I would love both A/C.

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dont spend money on that one i have in wip i just can say wend it will done since it the most easy one to make

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Ok,Good to know but I just want to remind there are all kinds of models there and if we could get someone to get them together it might reduce the time we have to wait to get them into the game,The model creation being the most time consuming right?If anyone wants the address let me know.Thanks.:

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See, a lot of people think the model creation is the most time consuming part...actually, it's probably one of the easier parts of bringing a model into game.


Building a 3D object for me is pretty straight forward...at least until the fiddly bits.


And the mapping...then it gets ugly and time consuming.


Here's the thing...it is kind of rare that a model you can find on a place like Turbosquid is in any way optimized for use in the sim.


A lot of times, for the more detailed ones, it has FAR too many polygons. As an example, I have this beautiful B-1B model given to me to bring into the TW series. It has got curves in all the right places, outstanding detail, etc. Believe me, I love what Dels did, but this thing is beyond FSX payware detail.


And it's also 100000+ polygons (without landing gear). The Super Hornet is a 40k polygon model and it causes a significant amount of user problems as it is.


You can try to run a reducing script on such a model, but that usually creates oddness, especially where there are seams in the mesh. So a lot of times, you have to do it by hand...which takes all sorts of time.


Then if the model doesn't have cutouts for things like the gear wells, doors, flight controls, all that has to be done, along with the appropriate fillets. Same thing with the landing gear...separating and tweaking all the parts needed. You have to assign pivot points, animate parts, close certain meshes, build damage nodes.


And more than likely, you will need to map the model. This is probably the most tedious part of the job, and why a lot of folks would just rather build their own model from scratch instead of adapting someone else's.


There was a guy here, bigal1 I think was his name, who had a couple of the nice models off of Turbosquid (B-1B and XB-70)...he showed screenshots of where he did a slap and dash to put in game (ie you can get it in game quickly, but is totally useless as an actual flyable aircraft). But then he got to the actual work of trying to get them in the game usefully...


He never got them out there. I'd imagine he encountered the frustrations I mention below. It was up to Dels and myself to build models from scratch to get them in game.


What I'm trying to say is this...what you are offering is admirable. However, you aren't the first person to do this, and as JonathanRL will tell you, there typically aren't a whole lot of (if any) takers for such a project for a reason.



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Well this was a low poly model but I see what your saying,more work than doing your own.I'm still learning things here and I'll add your lesson to my list thanks for taking the time to explain it.

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Let me be clear...I am not trying to dissuade you, what I am trying to do is make sure you are very aware of the pitfalls. When it comes to spending money, I want folks to make sure they get their money's worth.



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I have to agree with FC on this. Working with someone else's model (especially one that's not already made for SF2) is usually twice (if not three times) as much work as starting from scratch.



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not to mention some of the models are build in other suites (Maya, Modo, whatever), and saved as a 3ds File, which causes issues, as they are not converted entirely / exactly as it is, some peices/vertices/edges are thrown away etc.


I have many models that were build in Modo(?) and converted to MAX, and they are way above polygon limits of most games (200-350K)


And separating the parts, even in Editable Polygon Mode, is usually time consuming as you have stray vertices that always mess everything up, errant smoothing and shaders, and down right destroyed xForms.


It's best to start from scratch, with a target engine in mind.


While i can easily convert MAX Files built for SF2 to be used in DCS, the work and converting everything, re-doing the animations, re-setting the xForms, Smoothing Groups, converting UVW Coordinates to be usable if they arent, re-do them, etc etc. takes alot of time, and even still in the end run it would be easier to start a new mesh from scratch targeting the polygon count range and mesh specifics of the engine.


Converting DCS Oriented MAX Files is just as time consuming.


Now Converting a Modo or Maya Source file to MAX, then cutting it up to be used in either sim is even more time consuming.

Edited by SkateZilla

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