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IF the Aircraft has only shocks (non retractable) Should the Aircraft be exported with the shocks in the collapsed position?

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The standard animation is extended to retracted. I think there is an option in the data.ini to reverse it if needed...I think.



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All anims exported closed...so shocks should be in position as if a\c 0n ground..ie shocks compressed

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Well I tried Reverse,Works with Tires only it seems. And I reexported the modle with shocks compressed , Works and looks OK on the ground but not in the air. So I'm thinking that the game engine is set up for retractable gear and not fixed gear. So I'm going with looks. Thanks for the input.

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That's not right...it should work normally and look correct in the air.



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Yep, just tested. Made one of my models fixed gear only (removed animation keys with gear down) and changed data.ini to show it as fixed.


Compressed on the ground just fine, and stayed extended in the air. Even bounced it several times on the ground and flew back into the air to verify it worked properly in all regimes of flight.



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It must be the way I have the gear linked then, Cause it's exported extended and stays that way in the air and will compress if ya smack the runway, It just won't partly compress on the gorund. I checked the Other aircraft in the flight and their gear work as intended.

I tried to play with the :

ShockStroke=0.264 <---------Taken from Max



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Just did a test with my 08 patch test program and all works as intended so the aircraft should work OK SF2.I seem to remember there was a shock animation change from the 06 to the 08.

Thanks FC

Edited by RAVEN

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It just won't partly compress on the ground


There was a change between SF1 and SF2 in terms of the spring values. I found the earlier value for Spring Factor resulted in gear that were waaay too strong. I'd say try lowering that value to see if you get some more compression.



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I think I have it sorted out now, Someone will have to checkit with SF2 once it released. Thanks agin.

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