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What terrain is this?

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Hello would you please tell me what terrain is this and how is the name?:







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no SF terrain I've ever seen...


don't even look like our game...


help to know the 'source' fo the images

Edited by Wrench

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Judging by the markings i'd say its the philipines.

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aircraft marking have nothing to do with the question .. what terrain is it? I can say with 100% certaintiy ... it ain't the Phillipines terrain we have.

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like it said in the post where the pictures come from (and Fubar IDed) CFS


the first post of the thread shows the VietnamSEA terrains ... COMPLETEY different looking.


trust me ... I'm the Terrain Guru

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OK thank you, where I can get a terrain like CFS shown here, I mean that sky-blue water for SF1 series?

Edited by Phil56

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