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ok...done....just making new light tga as mine wont set transparency....then its ready for mr wrench....wingfold I ll have to put off as a lot of bits need resetting as they are wrong size in max\world.

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just so everyone knows, I have the new lod from Russ. Other than non-folding wings, its great!! (I'm sure that'll come later)

Right after I finish the WW2 EAW Euro terrain, I'll be concentrating fully on it for however long it takes ('2 Weeks") to finalize it


I'll be trying to adapt the KAW Sabre FMs to it, and unfortunately I"ll be having to remake a number of decals, as there are some sizing issues. Repositioning those a "bit off" is super easy


what I will NOT be doing is creating new skins off Volker's Hi-Rez Sabre templates. So, you'll be geting a myth-mash of jpg and maybe even bmp skins. Hopefully, I'll just take the Lazy Man's Way ™ and convert the bmps to jpgs.

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