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Operation Tainted Cigar for SF2 - Part 1 of 2

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Ok by me Eric!!

If we can squash it, lets do so!!


it drove me batcrap crazy, lemme tell ya!!



That's eight months before the release of SF2NA. Did it not work with non-SF2NA installs when you released it? If so, how could you have tested it?


In truth, i don't really remember. I do remember the USN/USMC only flying from the land bases. (can't remember if I had cv stations hand placed on the map)

The carriers obvioulsy weren't "there" yet. Only in post-NA did the freeze/crash occur. and oddly, ONLY in starndard SF2.

the same groundobjects, the same terrain, when placed in the NA mods folder worked 'out of the box', after I added the CV zones to the water bmp.

So, I just assumed (oh! that word!!! :biggrin: ) it was something NOT in standard SF2 coding, even when full-5 merged


i still think there's coding differences in plane-jane SF2/E/V/I from NA. but that may be just me!

Edited by Wrench

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Dear Eric, I found that I didn't copy the optional planes. Now I Did, the Red Cuba campaign (Caribbean Crisis) run perfect BUT...... I only have the mig-15 to play with. In single missions I don't have soviet planes other than the Fagot.

When I copy the folders in "To mod folder" I found weird that no "aircraft" folder was in it. It is correct? May be my problems are related with that.

Excuse my basic english. Thanks

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Sounds like you downloaded or unpacked only one of the two download files for OTC. There are two download files. This is the first part, which you apparently have:




Here is the second part, which has all the aircraft:




You need the aircraft from the second download file.


Eric Howes

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Eric, I noticed that McCoy AFB is listed in the target.ini but it doesn't appear in the mission editor. Any reason for this? More pertinently, how do I get it to appear?
Just want to fly U-2 missions is all.

Thanks. Great job bringing this back to life.

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As I don't use the Mission Editor, I can't speak to why it wouldn't show up in the Mission Editor. The game seems to have no problem using it in campaigns or game-generated single missions.


Eric Howes

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You are quite right Eric, in campaign McCoy AFB appears with no problem whatsoever.

Well, if I come across a breakthrough, I will share it here, if that is anybody is as obsessive about historical realism-come to think about it its just another airfield!

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Eric and guys,


Great mod, as usual. It was one of my favorite too back in the old days of SF1.


BTW, I've came accross a small issue: I'm trying to install the A-Team optional planes, but the LOD files of the S-2A and the E-1B are both differently named from what is written in the readme. 

For instance:

E-1B ini & readme file do ask for a E-1B-R0e.LOD whereas the E-1 Package on the A-Team site only includes a E-1B-R0f.LOD


No problem for the C-2 and the other one, though, even if I did not saw them ingame yet. 

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They might have released updated models, which I don't have access to. You could try renaming either the LODs themselves to match the INI or the INI to match the LODs, but I can't guarantee that the current DATA.INIs and skins will work with new models. Worth a shot, though.


Eric Howes

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This mod has been updated today (2 May 2014). The changes consist mainly of tweaks and fixes for various aircraft. The mod does now use the Carrier Deck Illumination Package released not too long ago by Fubar512 & Migbuster.


If you grab this updated version, don't forget to snag the second part as well:




Eric Howes

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Yes, you could. I would still recommend a clean install.


Eric Howes

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