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Question about terrain tiles

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What do I need to replace a tile with another of my choice? Actually I had done it before but now I need some help.


I renamed them so that they can match with the ones I want to replace (DESERT2FARM50 for example), converted and edited them to the standard size and image file of the terrain tiles.


I thought this modification would work but the tiles I used, turned into black during the game. Any ideas?

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is the tile you're replacing listed IN the terrain's data ini??? If so, is it named EXACTLY like the one you're replacing?


A black square represents a missing tile -- one that should be present within the given terrain folder, that ain't there


also, a screenshot would help

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And it could be a wrong format.

And it has to be (if it is a bitmap) a 24bit bmp.

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unless it's a sea2*** transition, when it's 32 bit tga w/alpha! :biggrin:

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because of that i wrote: if it is a bitmap :blink:

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OK, Here's the point. Desert3 V1.3


I replaced the tiles I wanted using exactly the same name (after found them in the data.ini), converted them to 24-bit BMP 512x512


Take a look:


Area around airfield



From above



And now the same area from the in-flight map


Isn't it a little weird? Instead of showing the tiles I replaced or showing black, it shows the original tiles that I wanted to replace in a wrong position.


Here the missing tile is probably the DESERT2MOUNTAIN25 (It is one of which I replaced)


Edited by tiopilotos

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index or RGB format??


odd, the 'direct name replacement' should work. I just did it for 60 tiles on the Iran/Iraq, IR2003 and desert storm terrains, with no problems.


the physical size (256, 512, 1024) doesn't seem to matter, as the engine will stretch the tile to fit


(example of replacement  desert, desert2farm 25, 50, 75 below)


all I can say is I hope you backed up the originals. try putting them back

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