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Why would a water map cause carriers to spawn on dry land?

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Because you may not have the proper water map format, and may not have defined routes and areas.  Wrench is someone you should talk to regarding this.

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2 way to create water bmp...


the hard way is take the planningmap3, and repaint it in colors that match the 3W ones. The bitch is when converting to index colors, Windows format, sometimes the colors go wonky.


the easy was is Gerwin's TFD tool. It generates the *terrain name*_water.bmp, and then you just paint in the colors for the red and blue side CV/SAG zones


but don't forget to convert to Index color format

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Thanks anyway, Kevin.  No such luck.  It's  custom map, so having to use a planning map as I don't have Gerwin's tool any longer.


Oh, well.

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didn't Gerwin post the latest version in his TFD tool thread??? I know it's around here somewhere...or maybe PM him?


(it also does a good job of generating planning maps, too)

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Did a quick search, found the tool on his site. Looks like it's old, I'll give it a shot after church.

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Okay, found the TFD tool (wow, that's cool...) but it's like the engine completely ignores the existence of my Water Map, even if I make it NavalMap=TRUE.


This is frickin' frustrating.  Everything else works great.  I can edit a stock Water Map until the cows come home.  Can't get this one to work for nothin'.

Edited by PFunk

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Kevin, tell me exactly how to format and save the water map in Photoshop.  I've narrowed it down to the image being the problem.


I have used Gerwin's TFD tool to give me a water map.  What's next?

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in photshop, it save as... Indexed color, 8bits per channel, size is 512x512

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Still doesn't work.  Sucks.  Don't know what I'm doing wrong.  It's like it just doesn't like the image.


Places the carrier at 325000, 325000 no matter what I do to the map.

Edited by PFunk

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You will not believe the hoops I had to jump through to make it work.  Now I just need our downloads section to come back online so I can upload it and get people playing around with it.

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I wonder why I had so few problems...??


now, oth, the Persian Gulf map, even WITH correct _water bmp, and (more or less) correctly placed zones, will still generate the occasional Elric "Ship That Sails Over Land and Sea"

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My process.


1.  Use TW Extractor to get a stock water map. 

2.  Paint the entire thing red.

3.  Use Gerwin's tool to give me a water map for my terrain.

4.  Resize the water map that came from the TFD tool to 512x512.

5.  Select the black land mass from the the TFD tool water map and copy it.

6.  Paste it on the stock water map painted completely red.

7.  Color my carrier zones.

8.  Save.

9.  Rename the map to match the entries of my new terrain.

10.  Take off from a freakin' carrier.


Messy, but it worked with two scratch-built terrains, the old Black Sea 2 terrain and this other, unnamed project.


Kev, thanks for the help.

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NP, Chuck

I'm just a shout away...

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