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So Firefox does not trust Combatace.com

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So firefox does not trust combatace.com. weird.

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I wouldn't trust this site is a bad influence like that fandangled evil rockin and rollin.

You can go into settings and remove some of the virtual condoms that they use to protect your computer from filth sites like this one.

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This site is especially bad if you are addicted to gaming. I just don't know what Im going to do... :skull: 

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I'm working on a resolve now. This report only applies to Firefox as it reports the certificate of authority is missing which it isn't. I'll let you know when more information is available.


Thanks for the report.

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Fixed. Reinstalled the SSLCert and all is fine. Can no longer duplicate the problem.

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Cool thank you. I thought it was firefox there for a second. Anyhew once again thank you for taking the time to look into this and for coming up witha fix.

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:grandpa:  Glad I could offer some assistance to you young whipper snappers, ehhhhh??? What stones??? I saw the doctor.

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