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The Burma terrain has had some minor retiling done a few month ago as an experiment, but needs to have the targets ini (which I'd already tweeked) shitcanned and rebuilt from scratch.


the terrain also has some HORRIFIC height field issues in southern China.


the major problem of the terrain, is it represents the 'front line' around Jan - March 42. Anything after that (excepting parts of China) were in Japanese control. All the British forces (including Indian army units) would be in what is now Bangledesh, off the map

Edited by Wrench

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for now


unless one wants to model the rout of British forces...(didn't Snapper21 do a campaign for 1stGens like that?)


alternatively, and I'd REALLY have to spend time looking the terrain over, Ansons (so called) India map -which is really East Pakistan/Bangledesh and total crap), could possibly be reworked (read: rebuild totally from scratch) for that scenario. But I'd have to make sure it goes far enough east to the Imphal Valley. Which I doubt it does

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well, it does seem to cover the proper area....as far east as Rangoon (which may be too close to The Wall), and as far west as (usable) Calcutta. Haven't examined the regions around the Himalayas, but 'assume' the mountains to be the northernmost part of them (and not player usable. further examination is required)


however, it'll require weeks and weeks and weeks of work to even retile it. ALL by hand, after rebuilding the texturelist to use the Vietnam SEA tiles; and maybe even others for India itself. For some idiotic reason, he used polak's desert tiles. Never heard of monsoons, I guess...

To say nothing of shitcanning and completly rebuilding the targets ini.


expect nothing for an exceeding long time

Edited by Wrench
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