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Hey folks, quick question.


Does anybody know what would cause SF2 to freeze at the Single Mission Screen, whenever I click the pencil to use Mission Editor?


It's been happening to me for a bit now, perhaps somebody else went through this, and fixed it.


Any thoughts?







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But that's what i'm saying. I don't make it to the Hangar Screen.


I'm at the Single Mission Screen, i select the icon for the Mission Editor, and the whole front end just STOPS.


I'm at my wits' end with it, honestly lol







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For me it is only sometimes and on certain Terrains. For me it is a rare problem that I largely ignore. Oddly enough the main culprit seems to be the Philippines '44, and Kamchatka.

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I had this issue when using certain add on aircraft I had given too long a name. ie the name of the aircraft was to many characters. I had to shorten the name.

Edited by dtmdragon

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I'll have to try that one. ↑







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...hmmm, that's why.


It works on SF2 regular, but not SF2NA...


Is anybody else full-4 merged? How is your ME doing?







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Got in SF2NA also probs.

Mostly like that when a just created mission loads, the screen freezes.

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If SF2 works and its part of the same install as SF2NA - then probably a mod


Maybe start by cutting the Menu folder out, running the game, then if still crashing try another folder etc to narrow it down

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...yeah, you were right.


it seems kout's MISSIONEDITOR.INI was the problem.


i don't know what difference there is between his and that of the latest patch, but it certainly needs to be looked into. :ok:


note to self: just don't use kout's MISSIONEDITOR.INI :good:







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