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I need help finishing these Spitfires!

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Coca's Spitfire Mk.V, both in European and Trop (with Volkes)


For the life of me, I just can't get the camo pattern right along the wing root and fuselage join. With a basic pattern done, they can be finished in standard RAF Day scheme, and Desert camo.


Everything else is pretty much done; decals are all plotted, FM, all the lights and muzzle flashes and so forth. Other than dirtying up the aircraft, and the aforementioned brain-farts I'm having,  The template is complete, with all the lines and so forth (minus weathering, stains and such) I'd sent it to one of CA's good skinners, but it's been several months, and no response or progress.

I'd really like to have these out a new freeware aircraft.


So, I asking for a good skinner to step up, and just tweek the damn green sections so they fit properly! Once those are aligned, repainting them into Dark Earth will give use the MTO skins.

Template will be provided.


Cocas also had a Seafire III in the works, but it too is stalled by some issues with the wing folding, and Real Life ™ commitments.


These aircraft are BADLY needed for YOUR WW2 flying pleasure!


thanks in advance!

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Use the max file to align the camo, saves alot of time.


You draw it with your "paint" program, save it and watch it changing in max at the same time when rendered. It makes life alot easier ;)

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Skinning Trick, Put a temp layer on the Fuse .psd with a 2 or 3 pixel wide vertical line, make texture and just keep moving the line till it's even with the wing camo and then cut the fuse camo at the line, remake texture. TaDa. Lined up Camo. I learned to do this after (banging head on keyboard) trying to get the (blank,blank) camo to line up on a Mig-21. :biggrin:

Edited by RAVEN

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you guys know I'm not a MAX user!!! 


it's just me, not figuring out the mapping



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My Skinning trick is for just Photoshop, Then put  in game, I use a striped test install and striped Terrain (Copy of Nothingness) and fly a Recon for just looking at the skin. (Of course you have to load the plane a zillion times cause ya move the Dam temp line 1 pixel to far).


Edited by RAVEN

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On gimp I use the "Show Grid Lines" command to line up camo patterns. Also I some times just add a new layer named "reference" where I draw lines over the skin and see "in-game" where the pattern needs adjustment.

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the 'show grid' in PS is what I used to help line up the panel lines - and rivets!! Great tool!!


work is progressing very well .. the Euro skin is finished, just need to adjust the upper/lower parting line on the desert.


and have Daniel move the 20mm upper wing blister slight forwards (see ww2 screenshots thread)

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