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British Spunk!

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This is one of my favorite photos of all time.


The man's name was Horace Greasley. He was a British POW famous for escaping over 200 times to visit his girlfriend, a local Jewish girl. Why did he keep going back? Loyalty. He returned every time with extra food or other contraband to share with his fellow captives. Greasley spent 5 years as a prisoner of war, during which time he served as camp barber and worked in the marble quarries.


Following capture, the men were forced to march for ten weeks from France to Poland. The men suffered deplorable conditions and spent a winter, in temperatures as low as -40C, lodged in an old horse stable. Those who survived the march and train transfer were beaten, tortured, and starved. Greasley was once beaten so badly he lay unconscious for 2 days. In 2008, his biography, "Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell?" was published. Two years after its release, he died at age 91.


When I see this photo, I always admire the defiance in his face. He refused to be broken. Be that guy.


Oh and by the way, the German officer he's staring down is Heinrich Himmler.

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people like him are the reason why humanity has a chance in this world!


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so much respect for this man but with the title of this thread  being "British Spunk" i was really weary about opening it up. ;)

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RESPECT  !!!! At the moment  I'm reading the book about Dennis Avey . Fought in N. Africa, was transferred to South Africa, volunteered back to the Desert War, got captured, went to a prison camp near the Holocaust camps in Auschwitz, and CHANGED CLOTHES with a Jewish man in order to find out how things were in the death camps....  He survived ......... 

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