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No AAA Anywhere in Campaigns

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I've worked on and off over the past couple of days creating new strategic nodes for some stock Desert campaigns. Weird thing is; when I start one of the campaigns it's ALWAYS an anti-shipping mission and there isn't a single AAA gun anywhere on the map. Not even on the red side.

Flying in single missions are fine - there's more AAA than you could count on both sides. It's just when I try to start a campaign with the new strategic nodes there's nothing there at all :dntknw:

I've even tried re-instating the original nodes in the campaign _DATA.ini but to no effect.


Anybody got some suggestions as to how I can solve this problem?

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Guessing really - Check out the active year for the AAA entries in targets.ini and types.ini as a first


Is there a StartAirDefenseLevel= for the enemy in the campaign_data.ini?

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I think it's sorted now. The Startairdefenselevel=  prompt was at zero. Just for the hell of it I went to the second mission and the AAA was there. Will try again in a while with the new strategic nodes to see how that goes with the new adjustments.

Thank for the help MiG buster! :biggrin:

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