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Can you change country boarders?

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I have a problem of not showing up Red side SAM units on a Mountain. In real most the Mountain belonged to the GDR but in game the top of the mountain is part of West Germany.

Just wonder if this can be changed.

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Yes you can adjust the border by editing the TerrainXXX_Movement.INI


When you open this file the first thing you shoudl see are the location of the 2 priarmy (Frendly, Enenmy) airfields. just below that entry should be a grouping of coordinates that create the "Red" line.


See below example.


FriendlyBase=England Airforce Base
EnemyBase=Eglin Airfield

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The dome on top of the brocken belonged to the GDR. It looked like a radar dome, but it covered no radar. It was used by the soviets for ELINT. The same with the radar domes at West Berlins Teufelsberg. This were american ELINT facilities.

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Ok thx.

Guess i've to rename theRadardome too.

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