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Anyone able to play Fighter's Anthology on WIN7?

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Will like to try that old game again, but doesit run on Win7 somehow? I cannot even install it.

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Will like to try that old game again, but doesit run on Win7 somehow? I cannot even install it.

Well, last time I tried this gem it was under Win XP and it was quite freaky. The game was either way too fast or way too slow.


I checked a few months (or was it years?) ago and it still had a small, albeit shrinking, community. They might have some solution for last gen O.S but I am quite skeptical.


That's a shame, I miss the 1990's feel of some campaigns, and by the way Ukraine 1998 and Egypt civil war campaigns do have some echos nowadays... 



You may find some intell there : http://farc.3synergy.net/


And check this: http://farc.3synergy.net/files.php#FAWin7Batch


Can't believe these guys were still active in 2013.  :biggrin:


Edited by Emp_Palpatine

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FA runs just fine on my Win7 64 PC.

If the game runs at different speeds, you probably don't have the final patch applied.

The color will be screwed up unless you run a special batch file to automatically toggle between normal WIn 7 and the state you need to play FA.


FA was much more like a true ACM sim with the 714 libs.

No aircraft turning like UFOs (apparently the default F-16 was a bit overmodeled).

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I will give it a try, the campaigns were just great! Will also like to review the avionics and see what can we enhance Sf2. Thanks.

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