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Would somebody take on those helicopters

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Look quite reasonable.... especially with the Mi-24 Hind DLC for   0.69 EURS ))))   That's something even I can afford )))) 


... and consider the fact, that Bohemia Interactive created  Operation Flashpoint,too which is the most widely modded game ever... I still have some 6GB of addons for it from 2003, which was equivalent of 6 TB today!!

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Some opinions were quite bad, saying the FM is poor... well... But how long we have to wait a Mi-24 DCS?  I consider that 2EURs... thats a daily ration for me. At least I lost some weight ))))))

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Last time there was a sale on Steam for TOH I got it. Not sure it was a wise buy but it was only $10 so I made the move. I played the campaign once and have had a hard time getting into it the Mi-24. If you want to get a feel for what its like, download the demo and see if you like it. Its interesting how they are able to blend a sim with a FPS but in the end it feels like a flying the helicopters in ARMA with a joystick and throttle instead of keyboard and mouse. I was hoping for something along the lines of the Microsoft Flight Simulator X missions but with more fidelity. Seeing the SWAT team fast rope down from the helo was a nice touch in TOH. The down side was that in order to land you have to go into "hover mode". Since I can land a helicopter in MSX no problem I figured I could do the same in TOH without needing the "hover mode". Not so. I crashed or hard landed almost every time. That said, once you've transitioned to forward flight its pretty fun, especially the N.O.E. flight.


The Mi-24 was a bit of a disappointment. I've been looking for a way to get in the virtual Hind cockpit and this wasn't what I was looking for. I must admit I haven't put a lot of effort into getting to learn it, but it it is a "light-sim". I'm having a lot more fun just fly the Hip in DCS in the quick missions.


For the money, if you're looking for a sim to fill up a few weekends it makes sense, but its not like Strike Fighters, IL-2, or MSX that keep me coming back especially with a great community behind them.

Edited by Cason

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looks nice and with great deal on it..

but since I don't have time nor the machine for it, unfortunately I won't be buying it today

but thanks!!

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Look at the Mi-24 in the modded EECH for a good Hind.

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Bought it quite some time ago.

Didn't care for flying fictional helicopters.

I know someone did a ton of work trying to tune the flight models to be much more accurate compared to the real helos the fictional ones are modeled after...

But it never really felt any different or better than ArmA2, which gave me more fun with its UH-1 and AH-1 options.

You can't beat OFP/ArmA helo missions for immersion.

So much more to helo ops than a detailed/accurate flight model.

Since the UH-1/AH-1 helos I want to fly the most aren't even modeled in Take On Helicopters more detailed flight model, I never play it even though it integrated ArmA2 into it.


But, I primarily want to feel like I am flying a real helicopter, and right or wrong, DCS UH-1H and Mi-8 are fulfilling that role for me better than any helo sim I have ever tried before.

If I could just fly the DCS UH-1H in the ArmA game engine without any compromises, I don't think helo flight sims could ever improve much.


While I would never recommend Take On Helicopters over other helo flight sim options, at $3 who wouldn't buy it just to see if maybe it somehow is good for you?

Edited by streakeagle

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