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Mirage IIIE (TMF) The end of a legend?

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Hi guys


After 100 hours of flying just the TMF Mirage IIIE (Both in versions 1 and 2 of the series) I've decided that , this superb plane should be totally finished...So , I've started with the original Mirage IIIE from the Mirage Factory , I add it the new skin pack made by Ludo... and then, I added my personal inspiration.. et voilà.....


EC 1/2 "Cigognes" Dijon-Longvic (1982)




EC 2/3 "Champagne" Nancy-Ochey (1969)




EC 1/4 "Dauphiné" Luxeuil-St-Sauveur (1977)




EC 1/13 Artois Colmar-Meyerheim (1972)




EC 2/4 "La Fayette" Luxeuil-St-Sauveur (1973)




EC 2/3 "Champagne" Nancy-Ochey (1983) (Worn camo)




EC 3/2 "Alsace" Dijon-Longvic (1980)




EC 1/3 Navarre Nancy-Ochey (1971)




EC 3/3 Ardennes Nancy-Ochey (1993)





And finally.....


Mirage IIIE 491 from the Centre d'Expériences Aériennes Militaires (CEAM) (1966) This plane was used for testing the AS-30 missile. It was sold to brazil in 1978.






Tomorrow, we'll have a silver day.






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Great pack. Djibouti based ones too?

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This beauty (As I told you) is avaible here, but this is version "C"  which is complete, and the "E" version is much more interesting. 



Edited by cangas

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Ok... now the "Early silver ones"



EC 1/4 Dauphiné Luxeuil-St-Sauveur (1967)




EC 1/2 Cigognes Dijon-Longvic (1965)




EC 1/3 Navarre Nancy-Ochey 1968




EC 2/4 La Fayette Luxeuil-St-Sauveur (1967)




EC 2/13 Alpes Colmar-Meyerheim 1965




EC 2/3 Champagne Nancy-Ochey 1968





Finally a "Very late" champagne version from 1980




Next step.... Australia

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No.2 OCU Williamtown 1969






No.2 OCU Williamtown 1967




No.2 OCU Williamtown 1979






More coming!!!!!!

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if you look in the downloads section, you'll find 3 squadron of RAAF Mirages I did for the stock 3W M.3. Serials are 100% historical for each.


Easily adapted for use on the TMF one




the twist of the story is, less than 2 weeks after I release MY mod of the stock 3W into a RAAF Mirage, TK released his Mirage III0 DLC.

I was, as they say, slightly annoyed.

But, in less than 10 minutes, adapted MY decals and skins to the DLC







Edited by Wrench

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if you look in the downloads section, you'll find 3 squadron of RAAF Mirages I did for the stock 3W M.3. Serials are 100% historical for each.


Easily adapted for use on the TMF one




the twist of the story is, less than 2 weeks after I release MY mod of the stock 3W into a RAAF Mirage, TK released his Mirage III0 DLC.

I was, as they say, slightly annoyed.

But, in less than 10 minutes, adapted MY decals and skins to the DLC








I know (I've dowloaded the MOD a couple of moths ago)... The thing is that I'm planning to cover all the Australian Mirage fleet so that any Australian Mirage will be avaible for all us. For example this two skins I have here are also historical.


For example here you can see my A3-11 the pic is from 1980. The red line was sometimes painted to be reconaised during air to air training.



Edited by cangas

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Aircraft Research and Development unit (ARDU) Edinburgh 1985





No.79 Squadron Butterworth 1986




No.77 Squadron Tindal 1988




More coming

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Oh yes! Fanta can paint scheme here we go!!

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No.75 Squadron Butterworth 1975




Please guys , post in this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :clapping:

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Here I'm going to do a summary of the versions in which I' m working.


Armée de l'air:


Mirage IIIE (Early and Late versions, all operative units as well as some extra special Skin)


Royal Australian Air Force


Mirage IIIO (All operative units as well as some extra special Skin)


Swiss Air Force


Mirage IIIS (Early , Late and IIIS C.70)


Ejército del Aire


Mirage IIIEE (Early and late)


Lebanese Air Force


Mirage IIIEL 


Fuerza Aérea Argentina




Egyptian Air Force (And Saudi Arabia)


Mirage 5SDE


Pakistan Air Force


MIrage IIIEP (Only early version)


Venezuela Air Force


Mirage IIIEV


South African Air Force


Mirage IIIEZ


UAE Air Force


Mirage 5AD



The work is going well , and I will update periodically all the work.




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the Argentinian Modder guys have those FAA ones pretty well covered.


honestly, I prefer the stock 3W Mirages; not to say the TMF ones are bad; they're just old (2005/6ish). The cockpits are showing their age.

Not to denigrate your work; it really looks good, but using newer made for SF2 models would just seem a better way to go. Just saying, brother!

Just my thoughts! :biggrin: Don't let ME deter you!!

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THe cockpit of the TMF Mirage IIIE as the right "BF" rwr reciever : 

Subjectivly, it is very important for French IIIE.

For the other ones, the TW cockpit is much better (but we cannot add a "BF" :( ).

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the Argentinian Modder guys have those FAA ones pretty well covered.


honestly, I prefer the stock 3W Mirages; not to say the TMF ones are bad; they're just old (2005/6ish). The cockpits are showing their age.

Not to denigrate your work; it really looks good, but using newer made for SF2 models would just seem a better way to go. Just saying, brother!

Just my thoughts! :biggrin: Don't let ME deter you!!


Sincerely I understand your point of view, TK mirage III is a good model however the TMF one does not have nothing to envy TK's Mirage. The 3D model of the TMF Mirage III is excellent,  may be some rework on the nose may be enough to convert it into a "modern Standard" plane. Ok the cockpits..... As jeanba said the most correct cockpit for the  Mirage IIIE of the AdA  is the one provided by the Mirage Factory, ok, it is old, and? It has all the working systems of the real plane . What else? Futhermore there are some recent release aircraft that have relative "old" cockpits such as the Jaguar A.... So , it is ok that there is new model of the IIE but the old one is still very good ans has potential.


Another point is that the TK's Mirage IIIE is payware and only for Series 2 users... ...


I've spent many hours of my free time doing this job, researching, finding books etc , I'm creating skins that Have never been made before etc etc etc alll thought to give the best possible product to all combat ace members.


So , I'll keep going with my project, I'll finish it, I'll upload it and all of you will enjoy it.. The definitive TMF  Mirage IIIE pack.



Edited by cangas
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Would it be possible to replace TMF cockpit gauges by TW gauges ?

This would imporve things quite a lot I think

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Would it be possible to replace TMF cockpit gauges by TW gauges ?

This would imporve things quite a lot I think


May be , may be, we could try to do a repaint of the cockpit...... I'll try

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May be , may be, we could try to do a repaint of the cockpit...... I'll try

Actually, I tried but as I am learning, it is painfull !

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I'll keep going with my project, I'll finish it, I'll upload it and all of you will enjoy it


You damn right we will!!! :biggrin:  Nothing I said was meant to stop you. Oli & Team did fantastic work. Best way to honor his memory, it to make better in any way possible.


as for the other pits (NOT IIIE), using TK's is a simple matter of ini extraction and editing.

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You damn right we will!!! :biggrin:  Nothing I said was meant to stop you. Oli & Team did fantastic work. Best way to honor his memory, it to make better in any way possible.


as for the other pits (NOT IIIE), using TK's is a simple matter of ini extraction and editing.


I'll do this for those having WOI (like me)



Actually, I tried but as I am learning, it is painfull !

It is very very painfull



Ok more pics:


No.3 Squadron Williamstown 1983




No.79 Squadron Butterworth 1985




No.79 Squadron Butterworth 1986




No.3 Squadron Butterworth 1975




No.75 Squadron Butterworth 1967




No.76 Squadron Williamtown 1969




Well, this is the end of the IIIO. Next step.... Argentina

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Mirage IIEA


Grupo 6 de caza Tandil 2013




Grupo 6 de caza Tandil 1990




Next step Spain

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Wouldn't the DLC Mirage 3O cockpit be appropriate BTW?

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Wouldn't the DLC Mirage 3O cockpit be appropriate BTW?

Not for french IIIE : we miss the "BF" rwr flavour

Edited by jeanba

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Wouldn't the DLC Mirage 3O cockpit be appropriate BTW?

Forget about DLC at this post. It is intended to be all 100% free stuff. 

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