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Enemy ground units appearing at certain time during the mission?

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Is possible to make ground enemy units appear at certains moments during the mission? For example I fly to a certain kill box, there's nothing there, but after two or three mins a pair of tanks appear, then several minutes later some infantry squads and so on. So we can represent for example being a A-10 pilot on station doing CAS.


So make the enemy units appear at a certain time after mission started.

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yes, you can, with the mission editor

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Is it not already the case, more or less? 

I am sometime ahead of schedule when I fly CAS mission, and I have to fly around a few minutes until the ground units do spawn. 

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Advancing the time does this too.

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What I need is to have several units appearing at different times AFTER my arrival. Some after a minute, some after 7 or 8 mins...

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You can set that with the mission editor. Any kind of ground unit...and ships, for that matter. You could make a sub "surface" at a particular moment

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