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Is jetengine overboost possible in game?

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Backgroud for my question is the soviet engine R-25. It has a mil thrust of 40.2 kN and a full AB thrust of 69.6kN. But for a short time it is possible to boost the engine to phenomenal 97.1 kN. But only for 3 minutes, because the engine overheats and only for altitudes below 4.000 meters.


Is there a way to implement this feature in game?

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Could you add a fake engine ? Not sure how to set it up, say limit the AB to 98% and the fake 99 to 106 % wet only maybe? Or something with the AB stages? The gage info in the engine section would have to moded also. ???

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Actually, you can have an engine fail due to overheating...but only the player's engine will do this.  I experimented with this during testing of the KAW mod...it was possible to run the engine outside of limits for a period of time before it failed.  Unfortunately, it tended to fail catastrophically, instead of just seizing.



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The P-51s in game have WEP boost, maybe that same type thing could be added to the engines?

Edited by TeargasHorse

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As said by FC the problem with limited engine time due to failure have this kind of issue, your plane catch fire and eventually explode.
I had an idea too for the "extreme AB regime" for the MiG-21bis. Is basically a second engine wich is controlled by the player only, by the Thrust Vectoring control. There is a good reason why it should be used by player and not AI. The AI will drain all the fuel in a couple of minutes because it will use full AB on takeoff and in any other occasion. Since fuel consumption is extreme, they will go bingo in no time.
In any case this additional engine can simulate the limited altitude of operation. Does it have a limit in speed too?

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