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To hell and back - A song about Audie Murphy

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Oh, gather 'round me, comrades; and
listen while I speak
Of a war, a war, a war where hell is
six feet deep.
Along the shore, the cannons roar. Oh
how can a soldier sleep?
The going's slow on Anzio. And hell is
six feet deep.

Praise be to God for this captured sod that
rich with blood does seep.
With yours and mine, like butchered
swine's; and hell is six feet deep.
That death awaits there's no debate;
no triumph will we reap.
The crosses grow on Anzio, where hell is
six feet deep.

. . . Audie Murphy, 1948

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Thank you for that Swedish metal treat. It's rare that PTSD is addressed at all, especially for a true American hero like Murphy. The movie is in my top 3 favorites. Swedish metal is cutting edge, and it's good to see that they recognize valor (Iron Maiden theme style) the stories of the individual combat soldier. Thanks for the link/video!

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