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Gonna release part one of a DC-10 pack soon, plus there are a couple of other airliners in Gen 1 section that could get updated. Thinking of making an airliner nation for them, but how to make it so they fly single ship or in a spaced out stream? A mass formation of Fed Ex bird will likely only be cool the first time you see it...........

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IIRC the planes will appear as single if you defines their role as Transport in the data.ini

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I am a left over dombo first gen moron but for single ship you can use the flight roster (don't know if that feature is in second gen  too...)  :blink:

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Gepard thanks for the input. Will see how it goes

Derk, it does work that way in Gen 2 but i am looking t a predominantly AI bird

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Gepard thanks for the input. Will see how it goes

Derk, it does work that way in Gen 2 but i am looking t a predominantly AI bird

Misunderstood your question, sorry   :blink:

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If you use a specific nation for airliners you can also set specific formations. Already done with the MB-339 PAN mod. In this case simply left only the first position.




Position[01].Offset=    0,    0,   0

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