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MiG-17K soviet carrierborne fighter

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In 1946 the UK had a lot of major problems. It suffered high losses during WW2 and war damages all over the country were significant. The industry layed down and a lot of war depts pressed the economy further. On the other hand the Royal Navy had a lot of ships which were not neccessary anymore. So it was decided to sell some major ships, including aircraft carriers. So the HMS Colossus was sold to France, the HMS Warrior went to Canada. The Netherlands wanted to buy the Venerable and Australia was interessted in the Venegance.
1946 the Soviet Union showed their wish to buy 3 carriers of the Colossus class and offered a price of 50tons of fine gold. So the last 3 carriers of the Colossus class, the Theseus, Triumph and Perseus were handed over to the Soviet Sea War Fleet and became the names TAKR Odessa, TAKR Kronstadt and TAKR Sewastopol.
Odessa and Kronstadt were operated by the Northern Fleet, while the Sewastopol was operated by the Baltic fleet for 6 years. In 1952 all carriers were sent back to Navy wharfs to refit them with an angle deck. the blueprints of this innovative design was stolen by the Cambridge Five. In 1955 the Odessa became operational again The Kronstadt followed one year later and the Sewastopol reentered the service in 1957. All 3 carriers were used till mid 70th.

After refit with angle deck the MiG-17 became the core of the Odessa flight group. The MiG-17K was developed from the MiG-17F and was used for daylight operations and in the air to ground role. For bad weather and night operations the MiG-17KP was developed from the MiG-17PF. In 1967 both types were updated to carry the AA-2 Atoll (R-3S) missile.




Known issue: While i use TK's stock MiG-17F and PF lods there is no visible hook available. Its a pity. But i hope you enjoy it.

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Sweet! And I like the backstory too!

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Love this idea, Gepard.


I had thought to set up a Navy MiG-15 flying off Chinese carriers in the Korean War.  This inspires me to try (Maybe later, when I have time.)



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