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Royal Navy not using carriers in single missions - KAW

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Another question as I get my KAW install set up - I've added the Sea Fury and Bulwark to my install.  Any of the USN aircraft will start on carriers in single missions.  However, the Royal Navy aircraft (Sea Fury and Firefly) start all their missions from air bases.


Both aircraft and the Bulwark are set to RoyalNavy as nation.

Both aircraft are set to CarrierBased=True

I have change the start date of the Bulwark to 1950 so it's available for single missions.

Both aircraft start just fine on the Bulwark in the campaign.

As I mentioned, USN aircraft start from carriers in single missions just fine.


What am I missing?

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You most likely lack RoyalNavy in the Nations.ini

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trust me, not a terrain's nations.ini problem


Location004=Soviet Union
Location006=Sea of Japan
Location007=Yellow Sea




Is Bulwark set up properly for SF2NA??

The two RN CVs in mine work fine. Named folders are




HMASSidney (for the aussies)


are you using the RN carriers from the "9 carriers pak"???


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trust me, not a terrain's nations.ini problem


Is Bulwark set up properly for SF2NA??

The two RN CVs in mine work fine. Named folders are




HMASSidney (for the aussies)


are you using the RN carriers from the "9 carriers pak"???


Yes, it's the Bulwark form the 9 carriers pak.  The Bulwark is the only one I've installed.


I just noticed something as I was digging through the .ini's again.  I moved the start date to 1950 in the _data.ini file, but there is also a start date in names.ini that is still set to 1954.  I'll try setting that to 1954 as well (or just change my options.ini single mission end date to 1955 instead of 1953).


*edit - or maybe install some of the RN carriers that have the right start date already...

Edited by malibu43

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You should leave the end dates alone.

Like I said before, Korea v3 is designed for a 100 span, that's why I didn't use the "AllowedDates=" statements



what I did found out last night, looking thought my KAW folder, is we're missing the Aussie "Battle" class DDs. The Darings didn't come into service until 1954, and this leaves SIDNEY with no escorts. We're also missing the River class frigates the RAN deployed


Depending on how 'good' my eye is over the next few days --it's still healing and not as functional as I'd like-- I'll look around at our WW2 ships, and see if I can't come up with a "stand in" version.

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks Wrench.


It was the date in the names.ini that got me. I pushed that back to 1950 and now my Sea Furys and Firefly's are flying off of carriers in single missions.

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