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I hope someone on the forums can answer this. bowdown2.gif.pagespeed.ce.hVyLpGCsBI.gif how do you get rid of specific messages?i will explain,when flying the f-4c I need the radar range settings displayed so I want that message.what I don't want is the message "mig-21targeted" or "mig-17 targeted" or whatever aircraft.how do I get rid of just this message.i am running my HUD on normal setting and yes I could put it on hard but then I lose the radar range message and the range knob is not in the cockpit that I can find.any advice would be appreciated.          

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Since the radar was handled by the RIO, there is not range indicator in the front seat cockpit, until the later models of the F-4. As far as disabling the text message, I dunno, it's probably in the flight folder?

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Options -> Sound -> Speech Subtitles?

speech subtitles=0 is what it says.so I don't think that's the place.

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