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Robin Williams Found Dead!

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wow, huge Popeye fan here, very sad this. A very interesting man for sure.

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You know, I have favorite actors but Robin Williams was always one that if he was on TV I would go out of my way to watch. Loved him in his movies. He was unpredictable on talk shows and that is what made watching them worth it. His stand up would leave me stitches everytime. If you haven't seen Aladdin you need to. It's hilarious. Good Will Hunting is another one that is a must watch. He was one of the last true actors that I cared about. I lost my mom to suicide so I understand the demons he was fighting. He will be truly missed. Sad doesn't even begin describe it.

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Tragic, the only ones he truly hurt were his family, friends, and fans. I'll stop there.

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Tragic, the only ones he truly hurt were his family, friends, and fans. I'll stop there.



Mako have you ever fought those demons? I do everyday. So I understand why he did it. I understand why my mom did it. 

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Good morning Vietnam was a favorite movie..."it's hot, DAMN hot!" I'll never forget watching popeye with my mom back in '82 I beleive it was. I remember thinking if anyone could bring Popeye to life it was Robin Williams. And then setting his boobs on fire in Mrs. Doubtfire...man, I still laugh over that one....geeeze...lol. We sure are going to miss him. Think I'll look up Good Will Hunting this weekend.

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Mako have you ever fought those demons? I do everyday. So I understand why he did it. I understand why my mom did it. 

Myself no, but close friends yes, It's just tragic for all involved.

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Myself no, but close friends yes, It's just tragic for all involved.


Its very tragic and I used to think it was selfish. But until you have had a gun in your hand and was so low that you were thinking about it, then you realize it isnt selfish. The demons I have running around in my head almost pushed me to that. People who say that it is selfish have no fucking clue what they are talking about. I have a 9 year old little girl running around my head asking me why her dad killed her. She was killed by her dad in 2008 at Tinker AFB, along with her little brother. Then the dickhead took his own life. I was the senior command post controller that day and relive it in vivid detail everyday. That is just one of suicides I had to deal with in my career.

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Suicide itself isn´t selfish, it´s a critical breaking point when people get overwhelmed mentally. I´m beyond sure that the awareness of it´s consecuences to relatives have kept a lot of people from killing themselves, but i don´t think you can blame those to whom it didn´t serve. It is an act of desperation and confusion. Had some close cases, and i guess everybody has, in my opinion they are deliberately underreported. It is plainly insane. I´m not digging into euthanasia nor anything, but it is anyways a tragedy for wich you can´t blame either the suicide or anybody else.

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