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Is there a list available for all stock SF2 objects (not Aircrafts)

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As title says,

Is there something available for the SF2 sims? :blink:

I think such a list would be very helpfull

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which objects, specificly? Ground objects, or Terrain Objects (ie: from the IcelandNA.cat)?

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Those are all listed in the terrains _types ini. 80% of the objects are the same (city buildings, evildamncommbuilding, warehouses, etc) throughout all the 4 original terrains


Both GermanyCE & IsraelME has some different city buildings and GCE has some "industrial" structures that are different, and IcelandNA has lots of 'new' stuff. I don't have images of all the items, only those for Desert and (most?) Vietnam terrains. It's almost impossible to get a catalogue for the INA buildings, as the 'cat pointer' may not work on a 'empty' terrain. One way to test, would be to use something like The Range terrain, change the cat pointer from Desert to IcelandNA, pick a spot near Home Base, and go through the IcelandNA types ini, and start placing items in a new target area and take screenies. I don't know if that would work, but ???


Be advised with some of the 08/06 level lods used in SF2 (in particular the vVehiclePort and vPTDock) they're 'world centers' and facing seems "off".


These are what I've got...

(you'll note the SF Desert items have their footprint added. A x B in meters. The WoV one does not)

*note: the pit16 picture is wrong; it's the pit8 pic -- the 16 has revitments on BOTH sides, hence it's double width*

Edited by Wrench

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And here the stock airfields. (without SF2NA)



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Probably a stupid question.


But could I use the powerplant from GermanyCE in the Desert map if I ad it to the Desert-types.ini ?(merged install)

Because the lod file is in the GemanyCE.cat


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Happy308

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the Westerholt (sp?) power station?


Yes, you can

But you'd need to have the lod and skin maps (bmps) INSIDE the Desert terrain folder (or any other terrain you want it on). It will NOT reference it from the GCE cat, if using any other cat pointer for the terrain

Conversely, the Desert terrain will NOT work, if referencing the GCE cat, as there are no desert tiles in the GCE cat..


see where I'm going with this??

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wrench thank you for the explanation.

Yes I believe it's westholt, the one with the tall smoke stack.


Would the lod file from WOE work ?

Al my SF2 installers are from 2012 and up. So al the lod's are locked. And I still have a boxed copy of WOE.

Edited by Happy308

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yes it does.

It was used as one the Yalu River power stations on the KAW (Korea v.3) map.

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