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Question on SFNA and customs terrains

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Gents, I have two simple questions concerning SFNA updated terrains:

- Wich available terrains were updated for SFNA (including TW´s)?

- Will the great NorwayWWII be tweaked for SFNA some day?


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Depending on what do you consider SF2NA level. Most maps can be set as naval maps, and with a bmp water map will deploy naval forces of the countries listed as present in that terrain. If you mean LOD based terrains, i think so far it is not possible yet, other than a big pond without land for carrier groups to bomb the paint out of each other

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NONE of the stock terrains come from 3W set up for carriers. That's been done by several of us (be advised, the VNSEA WILL have issues with The Wall), and some people have placed the CV zones totally incorrectly. This same "incorrectness" also appears on the DS map; as no Commander would pin his BG into such confined waters.

GermanyCE has no really usable "sea room" for carriers.

Desert has no issues.

IsraelME has no real issues (just be carefull on placement of the zone(s)


Most of mine, depending on "sea room", are set up for it (Persian Gulf, Waterworld, Panama, Kamchatka, Korea3, some others)




Looks like someone didn't read the Norway WW2 readme Notes section:



For those having built their ETO mods folder from the SF2NA exe, a special CV zoned _water bmp is included
BE ADVISED!!! Even though this does allow for use of historic carriers, the coding tends to lean more towards 'Naval Strike' mission against enemy naval units (since there's no KM CVs...it'll be Surface Action Groups -- which we all know didn't really sortie after the Bismark debacle). The flaws in said stock coding will make for frustrating missions. Use at "own risk".


You'll have to open the Norway.ini, and uncomment the NavalMap=TRUE statement, and rename BOTH the water bmps.
You'll have to rename/backup the non-cv zoned water bmp (norway_water.bmp) by a simple rename to xnorway_water.bmp.
Obviously, the 'cv_norway_water.bmp' gets changed to 'norway_water.bmp.


Again, as the naval coding has MANY flaws, you do so at your own risk.


what that also means is, you may experience the Elric of Melinbone "ships that sail over land and sea" magic



what I really need to do, is find the time and build the winter tile set for Norway...the gods alone know when that'll happen!!

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Nice to hear Wrench...

 I just grab the Kodiak´s "Water_Maps" and I did some work on WOI2 and it worked fine, scrambling from aircraft carriers with no prob. I´ll take a look on other terrains to see if it works too. :biggrin:

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