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Here's it in the sun.... still darkish but then again may just be lighting or something...  I think I'll stick with it though.


Edited by EricJ
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And more work around the cockpit frame area, going to tweak it tomorrow though:


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Managed to change the serial number and adjust the cockpit area some more:


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More work, got the front area redefined and adjusted with it looking fairly good, though probably need to widen it a bit.


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And redone area:


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Finally got off my lazy butt and did this one.  I've always liked the Shark Mouthed Hogs:


Example is from Pope AFB (which the aircraft is from) as I just don't like the default grey one.  Well done mind you but I like Euro better than Two-Tone grey.

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My son loves any plane with a shark mouth, especially A-10s and P-40s.

Can't say I disagree with him, though I prefer F-4Es :)

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Lol all good man :smile:

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Added the 23rd FG Insignia and the TAC badges.  From Airliners.net I found out it's from the 75th FS out of Pope, AFB so I'll roll with that:


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And looking complete.  I need to tweak the tails so the checker is aligned better but overall she's good to go:



Oh yeah, disclaimer:  Yes I used the original textures supplied with the simulation to trace the shark mouth.

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Decided to go the Ka-50 route, working off some rust but coming along nicely so far:





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More progress:





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Now that I'm taking a hiatus (a bit anyway for a week or so) from A3 I managed to finish the USMC Skin:


And if you've noticed I've never applied (the only exception was the inside of the engines for the A-10A/C.  Reason being as while in some instances baked shadows on a skin sometimes complement the object, most of the time I just don't believe in them as real world aircraft don't have baked shadows so I remove them due to that fact.  Also I don't add baked shadows because to me it defeats the purpose of a company spending thousands of dollars (just a handy monetary unit) to render shadows in the game or simulation, and then applying baked shadows, which to me defeats the purpose of using shadowing anyway.  But as such if somebody was actually curious why I don't add them to skins as it's simply unnatural (baked shadows).

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Looks pretty damn good to me.

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Thanks!  All I have to do now is upload it as I moved that roundel up more so it looks better.

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Starting to slip in my old age... anyway on my "hiatus" I really shouldn't be modding but overall when you realize that your old skin needs tweaking, you do so as well... it doesn't look right you gotta fix it.



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Also as I said for Arma 3 I'm trying to take a hiatus from modding and waiting until after the 26th to do just that, so after I clear up (or if it doesn't take too long) that I'll get back into it.  And I'm looking at a "What If" European 1 Su-25T.  Been flying that off and on and starting to enjoy it a bit.

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Finally started on the "What If" Su-25T European 1 skin:





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More work:




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More work:




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Decided to take the Franken Skin out to show off the drop tanks, which are as seen here.  I also found the pylon texture (just needed to edit the .lua file and its worky now) but man what a sight... but again still WIP:


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More work:


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Finally got the wings sorted (other than the wingtip pods) and going to the next template...


Edited by EricJ

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More progress, working on the rear section, and added the supplied weathering, which in all honesty gives it a good look to it:


Current plans is to release (like the A-10) a "blank" skin for just those who may like to add his or her stuff to it, and a couple units.

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And the tailplanes are pretty much done:





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