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sf2 - installalation & patching under windows XP

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recently I tried to re-install sf2 and sf2-NA on my old windows XP-machine (do not ask for the reason ;-).


so I downloaded all my purchased stuff at Thirdwires, and installed sf2 native 2009-version without problems. trying to install NA on top I ran into problems:


- NA requires the jul 2013 patch - ok, downloaded, tried to install, no luck, since: it requires

- mar2012 patch - ok, downloaded, tried to install ...

- may2011 patch - ok, downloaded, ....

- jun2010 patch - ok, ...


this is where i stopped.


is this really, REALLY the only way to update to sf2 NA ? I cannot believe this, there must be a shortcut.


any idea ? anyone ?





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NA, as far as I recall, is Win7/8 only. Can't remember the exact reasons, but it may have something to do with the shaders used on the IcelandNA terrain.


There may have been a work around, but I don't recall it.

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thx for the explanation.


which, then, is the latest patch available for XP ? is there a superpatch which includes all the previous ones ? or to I have tos update step by step by step ?




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you can run full merged NA inclued on XP but for that you to run one off the older exes and NA terrain will CTD iirc

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You can redownload at TW your sf2 installer file without having to pay anything and that would be at jul13 level. If you reinstall then you will have two jul13 install versions and not have to go through the application of old patches to the 2009 version exe. 

Saves you time and fuss.


In case you install over an existing folder from back of the days then I would first rename it, make the clean install, then copy over the content from the old you want use.

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hi everybody,


thx to your explainations.


@logan4: Unfortunately when i enter TW-site I am only offered the 2009-version amongst the many items I purchased, so no luck.




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That is strange..when I log on only WOI has 2008 release date, all else is Jul13, but also noted that the redownload page can not show all items I purchased..

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i have to apologize, esp. to logan4. i took a closer look at my list at TW, and sure the jul2013 version was there, too.

installed fine and runs ok.




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Hi Sokol, 

No need for apology, glad it worked out on the end! Happy hunting!


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I have SF_NA installed on XP with latest patch, and it works fine, although it is a complete merged install with the complete series.

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