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CPO wisdom...Then, and Now.....

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Then and Now CPO Wisdom


[A CPO is the one to be feared. The job of a CPO is to kick ass and take names.]


Then - If you smoked, you had an ashtray on your desk.

Now - If you smoke, you get sent outside and treated like a leper.


Then - Mail took weeks to come to the ship.

Now - Every time you get near land, there's a mob topside to see if their cell phone works.


Then - If you left the ship it was in Blues or Whites, even in home port.

Now - The only time you wear Blues or Whites is for ceremonies.


Then - You wore bellbottoms everywhere on the ship.

Now - Bellbottoms are gone and 14 year-old girls wear them every where.


Then - You wore a dixie cup all day, with every uniform.

Now - It's not required and you have a choice in different hats.


Then - If you said "damn," people knew you were annoyed and avoided you.

Now - If you say "damn" you'd better be talking about a hydroelectric plant.


Then -The Ships Office had a typewriter on his desk for doing daily reports.

Now - Everyone has a computer with Internet access and they wonder why no work is getting done.


Then - We painted pictures of pretty girls on airplanes to remind us of home.

Now - We put the real thing in the cockpit.


Then - Your girlfriend was at home, praying you would return alive.

Now - She is on the same ship, praying your condom worked.


Then - If you got drunk off duty, your buddies would take you back to the ship so you could sleep it off.

Now - If you get drunk off duty, they slap you in rehab and ruin your career.


Then - Canteens were made out of steel and you could heat coffee or hot chocolate in them.

Now - Canteens are made of plastic, you can't heat them because they'll melt, and anything inside always tastes like plastic.


Then - Our top officers were professional sailors first. They commanded respect.

Now - Our top officers are politicians first. They beg not to be given a wedgie.


Then - They collected enemy intelligence and analyzed it.

Now - They collect our pee and analyze it.


Then - If you didn't act right, they'd put you on extra duty until you straightened up.

Now - If you don't act right, they start a paper trail that follows you forever.


Then - Medals were awarded to heroes who saved lives at the risk of their own.

Now - Medals are awarded to people who show up for work most of the time.


Then - You slept in a barracks, like a soldier.

Now - You sleep in a dormitory, like a college kid.


Then - You ate in a Mess Hall. It was free and you could have all the food you wanted.

Now - You eat in a Dining Facility. Every slice of bread or pat

of butter costs, and you can only have one.


Then - If you wanted to relax, you went to the Rec Center, played pool,

smoked and drank beer.

Now -You go to the Community Center and can still play pool, maybe.


Then - If you wanted a quarter beer and conversation, you could go to the NCO or Officers' Club.

Now - The beer will cost you two dollars and someone is watching to see how much you drink.


Then - The Exchange had bargains for sailors who didn't make much money.

Now - You can get better merchandise cheaper at Wal-Mart.


Then - If an Admiral wanted to make a presentation, he scribbled down some notes and a PN spent an hour preparing a bunch of charts.

Now - The Admiral has his entire staff spending days preparing a Power Point presentation.


Then - We called the enemy things like "Commie Bastards" and "Reds" because we didn't like them.

Now - We call the enemy things like "Opposing Forces" and "Aggressors" so we won't offend them.


Then - We declared victory when the enemy was dead and all his things were broken.

Now - We declare victory when the enemy says he is sorry and won't do it again.


Then - A commander would put his butt on the line to protect his people.

Now - A commander will put his people on the line to protect his butt.


Go Navy.


Navy Chief

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Guest 531_Ghost

Hi navychief... then, there's the ways others saw the typical Navy Chief (then) ----> As seen here I doubt these representations apply today tho :biggrin:

Edited by 531_Ghost

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Hey Ghost,


Oh yes, I have that picture somewhere. A lot definitely has changed when it comes to the ability of CPOs to lead. Leastwise, they surely do not have the disciplinarian capabilities they once had.


All it takes nowadays, is even an accusation of sexual harrassment (for example), and the CPO's career can be instantly trashed.


I know this from experience. I had a young girl who worked for me who (while I was conveniently on Leave) accused me of sexual harrassment. When I returned from Leave, I was faced with the charges.


Upon further interrogation, the girl admitted her charges were made up. She stated she only wanted to get back at me, because I made her work when she didn't want to.


My career was almost ruined because of her lies. Nice, eh?


Navy Chief

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I had a young girl who worked for me who (while I was conveniently on Leave) accused me of sexual harrassment. When I returned from Leave, I was faced with the charges.


yep it happens quite often...


Upon further interrogation, the girl admitted her charges were made up. She stated she only wanted to get back at me, because I made her work when she didn't want to.


gee you are a ogre!!!!!!!!!!! you actually expected a split tail to do real work????


My career was almost ruined because of her lies. Nice, eh?


somehow I sense it came real close didn't it..

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Scout I had the same thing happen to me as a 3rd class. instead of the LOA for the good job I did when all the "O's" and Chiefs and LPOs were sent back to home base, I got....



and Denied a Captains Mast

All because a some line rats told our one "lady" that the were going to tell her boyfriend that she was fooling around with me.


I got the last laugh as she was cought in the lie, the e-7, I would never sully the good name of Chief with his, was told not to plan on retirement-seems that when you recive a chit reuesting Mast you have to forward it up the chain of Command not trash it- and I got a door opened to me that was closed before.


I found out that I had made the Chiefs board the month after I put in for retirement. It should have broke my heart but I saw what they were doing to the Chiefs and I wanted no part of it. For all the CPO's that put their troops first, put up with the politics and still manage to keep their sanity, you have my deepest respect.

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It isnt only in the Navy, Chief. :search: You even glance at someone cross in the Air Force and you're screwed. Go figure huh?



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