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Heavy Bombers in sims

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Maybe a bad place to ask. But are any of you guys aware of a sim or mod that reasonably successfully models WW2 Heavy bombing? I have the Mighty 8th...but hoping for something a bit newer. 



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SAS il2-46 mods as they have the heavys and mul;tiple positons for the gunners. Also, 4.13 patch which is wip changes bombers and bombisghts to a good realistic effect. Worth checking into. 

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Maybe depends what features you want; if 'as good as B-17-2' then the answer may be 'nothing much'...I certainly haven't found anything that does the job nearly as well.


If you have Il-2 '46 you may want to try this or similar heavy bomber campaigns:




There was (is?) a Just Flight add-on for CFS3 called 'Memphis Belle' which is quite good, coming with the plane and recreations of each of her 25 missions. However, formations are wide, fighter style and there's none of the detailed navigation or Norden bombsight that you get in the Microprose title. With the latest DX mod that provides good water effects and dynamic shadows inside and out, graphics are not too bad. I preferred the JF Belle to the Firepower mod version, not least on my PC it was much more FPS-friendly without sacrificing anything important.



Just Flight also produced a decent 'Dambusters' mod for CFS2 and while the earlier sim has even earlier graphics it's still quite good at what it does:



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Good luck MrGoTime!


should have mentioned this before...It's hard to recommend the late and largely-unlamented 'Jane's Attack Squadron' for anything, sad to say, but IMHO it did heavy bombers a good deal better than CFS3; the heavy flak barrages were really scary and the in-game music was good enough to have it on during missions (you could turn off most or all of the on-screen aids left on in this nice clip, but you may want to turn the volume up and don your flak vest and tin hat from about 5:19 onwards):


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Just looping back and see your post 33L. I feel like I've kept a decent pulse on flight sims, but have never heard of that one! Checking some reviews it looks like it got panned. But you're quick blurb here on it really intrigues me. How is the campaign? Where can I find this potentially lost gem?

Probably should have quoted you. Here it is. 


Good luck MrGoTime!


should have mentioned this before...It's hard to recommend the late and largely-unlamented 'Jane's Attack Squadron' for anything, sad to say, but IMHO it did heavy bombers a good deal better than CFS3; the heavy flak barrages were really scary and the in-game music was good enough to have it on during missions (you could turn off most or all of the on-screen aids left on in this nice clip, but you may want to turn the volume up and don your flak vest and tin hat from about 5:19 onwards):


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