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Mescerlo terrain

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I installed the Mescerlo range but although the terrain shows in my mods folder C:\user\saved games\Strike fighters 2 Vietnam it dosen't show when I try to launch a single mission...I unpacked the two files and added them to my mods folder and also tried the one download version..I've added other terrains and they worked well/,,I would like o get this operational so I an practice without getting smoked..I have used the range for SF1 and enjoyed it..,Thank You for any help

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make sure you /Terrain folder named plural, as in /Terrains


also, what cat file is the terrain's cat pointer, well, pointed too?


TerrainFullName=MidWest, USA
//CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.CAT                                                  <----something like this






I think Mesclaro requires the Desert cat, but it should work with the GermanyCE.cat as well

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  The folder is plural..I'm lost about the cat file pointer.I have no idea how to find it thers no ini or anthing like that in he terran file...read through the KB and couldn't spot anything

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It Dosen't show up in my install..I've tried to find it

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Don't know what changed but downloaded the 6 single files unzipped them to a dummy folder and pasted them into Vietnam and it runs well...The all in one was what I used before Aa long as it works I'm good..Thanks for the replies

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