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slick cowboy

Common pool of BuNos and Fighternums... how does it work?

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I'm making a pool of F-8 BuNos.

For the C model I have 112 numbers. And the game has 50 USNfighternum.


How can I make sure that every plane will randomly use the BuNos from the 112?

Do the number of fighternums have to match the number of BuNos?


If I say:




Will the game then only select BuNos from the first 25?


I'm a bit confused about how the common pool works of BuNos, especially since there are more Bunos than fighternums...




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Actually, if I use this entry:





Does this mean that from the 16 planes, the game will randomly pick from 0 to 112?


What If I leave out the start and end?


Trying to figure out how the stock game handles this...

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decal number block size is the "limiting' factor -- you're telling the game engine ™ that here are ONLY 16 numbers.


decal number start

decal number end


tell the game engine WHERE to start adding those decals


for instance...


you need from BuNums 12345 to 12360

say, these decals are numbered BuNum015 thru Bunum030, so your entries would look like this:





you entry in the decals in would be something like this:




they always be Level=2 decals


you must define the start and end point (number) of the sequence


also, for the record, TK has supplied 100 'modex' numbers. They are not always the proper sequence per squadon, either (100 series, 200 series, etc). But, iirc, there's 25 of each (ie: xx0 - x24)


now, if you want all the C (112 production numbers) to use ALL 112 Bunums, your decal entry, assuming you created BuNum decals numbered 000 to 111 (0 always is the #1 spot), it would read like this:





you may wind up making new modex number decals, of whichever series is needed, so to get the correct one on with their matching modex.

I'm reasonably certain (without running down individuals), that you'll probably find them in differing squadrons.

Meaning: some will have from 101-??? others 201-??? and so forth, depending on which of the ship's squadrons they were assigned to. (00 birds are usually reserved for the CAG)

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okido thanks for that


but what if i go for





(without the start and end)


will the game pick randomly 25 numbers of the 112 decals?

or will it pick from the first 25?


sorry if it's a stupid question :-)

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yes, it'll pick from 000 to 024


but you STILL need to define the start and stop points

For an example, take a look at any of my WW2 RAF birds (Spits, Hurricanes, etc). 26 letters, numbered 000 to 025, randomized


Name=411 "City of York" Sqdn RCAF

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But if you look at the texture.ini of a lot stock planes you'll find DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE and DecalNumberBlockSize=25 and neither start nor end.

It would be weird if TK went through all the trouble of making 100 decals and then limit the planes to using only the first 25.

The stock USN F-4 has 100 bunos, so that doesn't make much sense. I'm wondering if the game simply randomizes from the 100 bunos in blocks of 25 in this case.

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Think like this..... average squadron has 12 to 24 aircraft on hand, closer to twelve for a Navy fighter squadron. What that 2 level in the decal ini is really calling is the Modex, the buno is extra. Since TK was working AF and Navy/Marine units it was easier for him just to say blocks of 25. Go figure when you multiply the number of unique fighters time individual skins per fighter.......


Two ways you can go about the BuNo issue are hyper detail like mytai, and each skin has the historical numbers innits own folder. Better accuracy and less buno per folder, but times that by how many folders(units) youre making. His Phantom pack is 13GB unzipped and still doesnt have everyone in it.

My route was about 115 historical buno(100 plus mig killers thst were later lost) in one main folder. Not quite as accurate as its not likely to match what was in a squadron at a given time, but still closer to reality than stock. I also used a universal skin where possible, and just adjusted the decal ini in individual dkin folders, mainly to pull from a certain year folder for unit markings (77,78, etc) and pointing to a 1xx or 2xx folder for modex (as fighter squadrons are normally in the 100 or 200 range)


Hopefully this is helpful. Either way its my $0.02 in the conversation

Edited by daddyairplanes

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