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I searched the KB and found MigBuster's entry on the types of ECM, but I had another question.


I know that AI cannot use external chaff/flare dispensers.  I wanted to know if they can't use external jamming pods, either.



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The stock SF2:NA EA-6B has its jammer set up in the EA-6B_data.ini. The only thing it can carry externally are ARM's so it is likely that the AI will not use external jamming pods.

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OK.  That's what I thought.  I'm going to have to start editing some .ini files to give some aircraft a fighting chance.


I don't understand incorporating something into a game that it cannot use, but okay.

Edited by PFunk

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PFunk, I will run a test when I get home tonight, to answer this question once and for all.  All one needs to do is to setup a 1 v 1 mission against an aircraft that is equipped with jamming pods, set to an "artificially" high power setting.  If one cannot maintain radar lock on that target, then AI jamming pods work.

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In 3 out of 5 engagements, the opposing aircraft  (MarcFighters Su-33) successfully jammed my radar at close range with its add-on Sorbtisya pods, at default power settings.  When I ramped them up to "100"  it even jammed me at medium range, throwing off my LCOS gun sight. So the answer is yes, the AI does use add-on jamming pods.

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In 3 out of 5 engagements, the opposing aircraft  (MarcFighters Su-33) successfully jammed my radar at close range with its add-on Sorbtisya pods, at default power settings.  When I ramped them up to "100"  it even jammed me at medium range, throwing off my LCOS gun sight. So the answer is yes, the AI does use add-on jamming pods.


Good to know, Fubar. :good:   

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Thank you. Works for me. Don't care much if they can't use external chaff/flare pods. I can fix that with a quick .ini file editing.

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