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How do I adjust a Flight Model?

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I am currently in the process of integrating this fine thing into TSF Expansion Pack 1 however, its flight model is not all that good. AI pilots have a nack for stalling out in it, often losing their entire flights - or in the players case - their wingman. I do not mind an aircraft being difficult to fly but the computer has to be able to do so without crashing.

I want to learn about the FM work a bit so I was wondering how this might be corrected. I tried to increase engine power but that was not it. What other things should I look at?

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from the top of the data ini, to end of the aerodynamic statements (leaving out landing gear, weapons hardpoints, guns, etc)


best trick, find "something" with the same approximate weight, size, etc, and use those statements. it can be refined from there

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In order to do so, and achieve even a modicum of realism, is a time-consuming process. For example, the F-86 FMs took over a hundred hours.


Wrench's suggestion is an easy, quick fix.  Even then, you will still spend considerable time debugging it. Good luck.

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the F-86 FMs took over a hundred hours

and hey they're awesome! For a flight junkie FMs are important and huge thanks to you and baffmeister for making them :dance2:

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Seems like the solution was easier then having to learn a new skill.

Stall Speed was set way too high. Adjusting that made the aircraft pretty much how I think it ought to be.

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