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SF2 TopGun F-14 Pilots: Maverick/Goose, Viper/Jester & Iceman/Slider!

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SF2 TopGun F-14 Pilots: Maverick/Goose, Viper/Jester & Iceman/Slider!

SF2 TopGun F-14 Pilots: Maverick/Goose, Viper/Jester & Iceman/Slider!
By Viper 07/03/2015


TopGun Pilots flies again in StrikeFighters 2!!!! Yep...nuff said.


This mod will not update any existing SF2 files, but I recommend that you back up your mod folder (...\Objects\Pilots).


There are 2 steps to this install...(Three counting backing up!)


1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" to your target mod folder. My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was, but yours my be different...


C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\


* It will ask to overwrite, go ahead and overwrite. This mod should not change anything you already have installed - unless you, by some chance named something with the same names as I did. Hence the back up recommendation.


NOTE: You should be able to install these pilots in SF2 game for most, if not all, jets. It doesn't have to be an F-14 or StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic. Have Mav and Goose fly and F-111?!! Enjoy!


2) Locate and update the "data.ini" file of the jet you want these pilots installed in. In my example, I will update the "F-14A_82_DATA.INI" file located in...(again, your location may be different)...


C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\Aircraft\F-14A_82


* In my example, I am updating the "F-14A_82_DATA.INI" file. In the target jet's folder, locate the "*DATA.INI" file. Edit the file in a text editor (Notepad) and "Find" the "Crew" section in the "*DATA.INI" file. In this section, there should be a [Pilot] and [CoPilot] (if the plane has a copilot. F-14's do) sub-section.


* Look for the "PilotModelName=..." entry and update it with Maverick and Goose's info (it's the name of the folders and ini files you copied into ...\Objects\Pilots in Step 1).


NOTE: All pilots and copilots in your flight for this plane will get this change...So if you have a wingman, Mav and Goose will show up there too...Sorry, this can't be helped...


All available Pilots...








Example...Installing Mavrick and Goose into the "F-14A_82_DATA.INI" file...


// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------


// Updated Maverick as the Pilot
MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 4.52, 0.32
MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 5.53, 1.54





// Updated Goose as the CoPilot
MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 2.98, 0.32
MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 3.99, 1.54






* Save the data file and Maverick and Goose FLYS AGAIN!!! Do you feel the need for speed yet?


That's it!!


Credits and extras:


I re-skinned AmokFloo's excellent LOD. If you want the full * Florian - "AmokFloo" package, you can get it here


* Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)




Interested in some more TopGun mods? Check out my menu screens!


SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music! Version 3




SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music! Version 4






= Viper =


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