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Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

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Don't think this is new.  Read about the Franco/Prussian War of 1870.  It was a war to put France into debt to Germany…and it succeeded. Bismark faked documents to get France to declare war on Germany.  Then Germany could invade France, take over French territory and force France into paying war reparations to Germany (debt)  for a war initiated by Germany!


Ehm. No.

First point. In 1870 there was no Germany. There were a lot of independent german speaking kingdoms. Saxony, Bavaria, Pruzzia, Würtemberg and some other minor states. The french policy was it to stop all attempts to form a unified Germany. France wanted to be the ruler of the continent and if feared the possible power of the unification of all german kingdoms. So it supported all separatisic activists and movements to hold the germans seperated and small.

This was the french policy since Louis XIV. Remember till this time french armies fought their wars on foreign territories. It was quiet normal for them to march into the Netherlands, Belgium or the german kingdoms to fight there. And the french imperator Napoleon III wanted to follow this doctrin.

Bismarcks fake of the "Emser Depesche" was the answer to a harsh french demand, which could be understood as deadline (ultimatum). The prussian King originally answered in a handsome manor, but Bismarck redesigned the text in a harsh answer and Napoleon III declared the war because he felt offended.

And with his declaration of war against Pruzzia he accidently activated the defence treaty of the german kingdoms, which now were forced to stand together against the french foe.

In the following month the french armies were defeated, imperator Napoleon II became POW and the german Kaiserreich was founded.


Please dont mix Bismarck with Bismark. Bismark is a little town near Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt, Bismarck is the name of a family.

Edited by Gepard
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Don't think this is new.  Read about the Franco/Prussian War of 1870.  It was a war to put France into debt to Germany…and it succeeded. Bismark faked documents to get France to declare war on Germany.  Then Germany could invade France, take over French territory and force France into paying war reparations to Germany (debt)  for a war initiated by Germany!

For more scary stories about war debts, you can go back to the 2nd and 3rd Punic Wars. After its victory at Zama in 202 BC, Rome put Carthage in oppressing debt for no less than 50 years. As soon as all of the debts were finally paid, Rome found some pretext to attack and erase Carthage from the face of the World - done by 146 BC. A hen that cannot give eggs any more is just to be cooked. May some people in debts remember this.

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Ehm. No.

First point. In 1870 there was no Germany. There were a lot of independent german speaking kingdoms. Saxony, Bavaria, Pruzzia, Würtemberg and some other minor states. The french policy was it to stop all attempts to form a unified Germany. France wanted to be the ruler of the continent and if feared the possible power of the unification of all german kingdoms. So it supported all separatisic activists and movements to hold the germans seperated and small.

This was the french policy since Louis XIV. Remember till this time french armies fought their wars on foreign territories. It was quiet normal for them to march into the Netherlands, Belgium or the german kingdoms to fight there. And the french imperator Napoleon III wanted to follow this doctrin.

Bismarcks fake of the "Emser Depesche" was the answer to a harsh french demand, which could be understood as deadline (ultimatum). The prussian King originally answered in a handsome manor, but Bismarck redesigned the text in a harsh answer and Napoleon III declared the war because he felt offended.

And with his declaration of war against Pruzzia he accidently activated the defence treaty of the german kingdoms, which now were forced to stand together against the french foe.

In the following month the french armies were defeated, imperator Napoleon II became POW and the german Kaiserreich was founded.


Please dont mix Bismarck with Bismark. Bismark is a little town near Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt, Bismarck is the name of a family.I didn't 


Ehm. No.

First point. In 1870 there was no Germany. There were a lot of independent german speaking kingdoms. Saxony, Bavaria, Pruzzia, Würtemberg and some other minor states. The french policy was it to stop all attempts to form a unified Germany. France wanted to be the ruler of the continent and if feared the possible power of the unification of all german kingdoms. So it supported all separatisic activists and movements to hold the germans seperated and small.

This was the french policy since Louis XIV. Remember till this time french armies fought their wars on foreign territories. It was quiet normal for them to march into the Netherlands, Belgium or the german kingdoms to fight there. And the french imperator Napoleon III wanted to follow this doctrin.

Bismarcks fake of the "Emser Depesche" was the answer to a harsh french demand, which could be understood as deadline (ultimatum). The prussian King originally answered in a handsome manor, but Bismarck redesigned the text in a harsh answer and Napoleon III declared the war because he felt offended.

And with his declaration of war against Pruzzia he accidently activated the defence treaty of the german kingdoms, which now were forced to stand together against the french foe.

In the following month the french armies were defeated, imperator Napoleon II became POW and the german Kaiserreich was founded.


Please dont mix Bismarck with Bismark. Bismark is a little town near Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt, Bismarck is the name of a family.

I don't mean to beat up on the former entity of Prussia, the pre-German entities, Germany, France or the United States. As many have brilliantly stated in this post, we have to concentrate on all working together so that the "ruling elites" behave themselves. I think we all have to agree that the ruling elites of the proto state of Germany upset the European and world balance of power when the entity of Germany was formed. The ruling elites in the entity of England could no longer balance their ruling interests of keeping the entity of Europe stable after the unification in the 1870s.

Edited by ordway
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If only more people worldwide would realize this and stop buying into the propaganda being shoveled out by the media empires, both corporate and state-controlled, maybe something could actually be done to change it.


As long as people are feeding off "us against them" when it's the wrong us and them, we are unable to alter course.

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